So, you should have come here by way of Shannon's place....wasn't her creation awesome! They always are! If not then you will want to go back to the beginning and start there so you won't miss a thing!
This is the first Wednesday after release day so that means it is SKETCH time! Woohooo! The DT were all given the same sketch and we all interpret in our own fun to see how everyone's is sooo different!
Here is this month's sketch:
Here is my creation...
I LOVE our new designers and had to get Cabaret Fairy as sooon as I saw her! I have a 12 yo dd that LOVES to color stamps and she saw this one and BEGGED me for her! And let me tell you, it will be in no time at all when she is creating with the rest of us because she can knock out some of these! Better than me that is for sure! HA! Anyway....make sure you check out all our new stamp designers because they are rocking it out! And with different styles to please everyone! much as I love you guys hanging out here with me, it is time to hop on! Off to see what Vicki the queen herself has in store for us today! I bet it is super! (I live close to Penny, well, within an hour, and her internet is down...we have had soooo much rain that we are having local flooding and everything! YUCK, Penny will be back next week!)
Oh....and just in case you get lost along the is the complete list so you can always come back here! (I know....I do that too....get going and can get lost on folks blogs clicking on to another one and then from know what I'm talking about!)
QKD blog
Shannon's blog
Jules' blog -------YOU ARE HERE
Vicki's blog
Maria's blog
Kelly's blog
WIS blog
Bev (SG's) blog
Victoria's blog
Lara's blog
Anessa's blog
Helene's blog
Nina's blog
Alex's blog
Meredith's blog
Linda's blog
Nancy's blog
Anita's blog
Sara's blog
Stephanie's blog
Ashley's blog
Queen Kat Designs Store
Oh and one more thing! Notice the newbies throughout our hop! Yup...some of them are making their debut today! Wooohoooooo!!!!! Make sure you leave them LOTS of love!
Have a super week and see you back next week! It is color combo time and I tell you these colors are awesome!