Putting anything into production leaves you at the mercy of the universe! I find that even when I plan months in advance, things can go wrong...Plan A turns into Plan B and then C, D.....and then finally it's over for this run! Whew...I can stop holding my breath!
With the help of friends, cutting Beadmat pieces and taking unplanned trips to National City where I get the Beadmats sewn, they are finally done and look as beautiful as I expected them to look!
The few changes this time were based on feedback from beaders, Thank You for all your suggestions! I've changed the "Fireline" holder from a snaped strap that threaded with difficulty, to a ribbon that ties. Much better! I've changed the snap to a fashion industry snap which will stand up lots of use! I have some other ideas too, but that will wait until I hear back from those who buy this exclusive run at Bead & Button. So let me know what you think!
Here's some pictures....you might notice the difference in shots...my dear husband is a professional photographer with a great eye and great equipment and minute attention to detail in the set up. My shot is with a point and shoot, with on camera flash and 2 minutes piling them on the floor...but gives a little different perspective.
His shot!