
Showing posts with label Anya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anya. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Miss Anya

Well, we're still on the scheduled posts ... which means i'm still busy with Wedding stuff and no time to craft! Although i suppose the Wedding stuff could be counted as crafting, seeing as i'm probably just about ready to start filling the favor boxes and sealing them up!CS ~ Stash
DP's ~ Alexa Crazy ~ Free Download
Image ~ RAK from my bestest blog buddy Tab .... thanks honey big mwah's x
Tulle ~ available HERE at the most fantastic prices and super speedy delivery too!
Charm & Gems ~ Stash
Tools ~ Sewing Machine, Whisper Strokes, Martha Stewart Flourish Punch also available HERE

Friday, 10 July 2009

Friday Sketchers #60

This weeks sketch has been created by Heidi from Norway and is sponsored by Motivet Rubber Stamps.

CS ~ Stash
DP's ~ Dovecraft Retro Floral ~ On Sale Here at TabbyCrafts fab price and amazing delivery.
Images ~ Miss Anya also from Tabbycrafts, coloured with Whisper Strokes
Lace ~ yep you guessed it from Tabbycrafts lol
Butterflies ~ Poundland
Tools ~ Sewing Machine
Sentiment ~ Freebie Word Art download
Ellie has injured her toe whilst living it up in Tenerife ... apparently her flip flop fell off whilst drunk ... her not her flip flop! and she cut her toe on something! Now, not sure how bad this cut is or isn't cos she failed to tell me anything about it ... looks like i'm going to have to wait till Tuesday when she comes home to see what damage she's done lol!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Sketch Saturday #49 & Colour Create #14

How cruel is this weeks Colour Create challenge? Do they not know i'm on Weight Watchers .... its bad enough today without seeing pictures like that. I'm having major problems for some reason, since i got up this morning i could eat my own arm ... it seems the more i eat, the more i want. Right now i would kill for a family sized bag of Revels and am teetering on the edge. If it wasn't for the fact i haven't done my hair and make-up today and i'm in my jog bottoms and hoody ... i swear i'd be at the shop now! Have even considered sending Ellie to the shop, but she's busy getting ready to go out on the town.

For this week's extra option at Colour Create they would like ribbons added to our creations, but please remember that this is not compulsory.

CS ~ Stash
DP's ~ Summer Driggs
Flowers ~ Stash
Stitching ~ Sewing Machine
Ribbon ~ Stash
Butterfly ~ Crochet by ME!
18 ~ Hippie Chic Alpha Die
Brads and Pearl ~ Stash
Image ~ RAK from Diane coloured with Whisper Markers
I'm gonna try and be brave, but i'm really not sure how long i'll last ... i've already forfeited a sausage roll tonight ... which was demanding that i ate it .... how long can i resist chocolate ....
Edited: I have to admit to forcing Andy to go to the shop for me .... I demolished a family sized bag of Revels whilst watching "24" .... if I've put weight on this week, I shall be holding Colour Create DT responsible ... pmsl!

Friday, 3 April 2009

Sketch & Stash Challenge #7

This weeks sketch is ....

and this is what i did with it ....

CS ~ stash. DP's ~ RAK i think from Jill (thanks mwah's). Stitching ~ sewing machine. Flowers ~ RAK from my VBFBF (thanks honey). Ribbon ~ stash. Peel-off ~stash. Image ~ also RAK from my VBFBF, coloured with Whisper Markers.

The inside has again been decorated with what is left.

Apparently, I've won Friday Sketchers :o can't wait to get my hands on that stash lol! That's really brightened my sh*tty week up ... all's well, that ends well, or so they say!

Colour Create Challenge #9

This week's challenge has been created by Sharon and is Lilac and Blue. For this week's extra option we would like you to use ribbons and swirls on your creations, but please remember that this is not compulsory.

I'm now making my May cards and this is the first of them. May isn't a very busy month for me so i intend to get quite a bit in front .... you never know i might even start on my Christmas cards pmsl! Don't anyone hold their breath though!

CS ~ stash. DP's ~ Pink Petticoat. Image ~ RAK from my VBFBF Diane, coloured with Whisper Markers and Sakura Glaze pens. Stitching ~ sewing machine. Gems, flower, beadcap and brad ~ stash. Sentiment ~ RAK from Diane (thanks honey).

The inside has been decorated with some of the left over papers and the handbag image is a Rubber Romance accessory stamp.

Another weekend gonna be spent playing catch up on challenges again! I've not felt 100% this week either so i'm really behind not only with challenges but also visiting my buddies blogs .... sorry girlies. I've had a blood test this week to test my thyroid levels and its not that ... they're normal ... can't say i am though lol! I do suffer from an over active thyroid, which is pretty helpful with the weight loss lol. I've made an appointment to see my gorgeous, hunky GP on Monday to get my other problem sorted and then hopefully i shall be hap..hap... happy and back on top form!