Sunday, 22 September 2019

Home Sweet Home

I have finally got around to taking a photo of my Gail Pann, Home Sweet Home quilt. I have yet to quilt and bind it, that will happen sometime soon. I am still thinking about how I am going to quilt it.

Not much else happening really, slowly working on my Flower Garden hexies and have started the embroidery for one of Libby Richardson's BOM's, I think it is called Teddies at Play. I have had the pattern and fabric for this for at least 5-6 years.

Till next time
Happy Stitching

Friday, 30 August 2019

Retreat Sewing

I have just yesterday got back from Glenrose Patchwork retreat in Warwick. I had a great time, got lots of sewing done, had good food and wonderful friends to do it all with. This was our last time going to Warwick for this retreat as it is quite a long way to go and there are some health issues to be considered being so far from home. A little bit sad but we are hoping to be able to organise something closer for next year, perhaps Hervey Bay.

My plan this time was to get some projects finished. First I had this smallish tablecloth which had to be quilted and bound. This will be used on the table on the verandah. 

This table runner also had to be quilted and bound. I made this when I was doing classes, it was all about using border or striped fabrics to form an interesting pattern. 

A small fun wall hanging to put somewhere in my house or sewing room, where ever I can find a space. I still have to give her some eyes, nose and mouth. 

This is the last of the mini quilts, thank goodness. I have enjoyed the journey of making all 12 of these even though there were a few challenges along the way. 

These 2 little pin cushions were so simple to make. The little stitcheries were already done so very quick to put together. 

I really enjoyed the gardens at Glenrose even if it was so dry. This well is in the secret garden.

It rained a little bit when we were there but they need lots lots more. Hopefully they will get more sooner rather than later.

I got some blocks together for my Home Sweet Home quilt but I forgot to take a photo when I had them up on the design wall. Watch this space.

Till next time
Happy stitching

Friday, 9 August 2019

Big Pin Cushion

I've got this big pin cushion done but I did change things, there was supposed to be hand stitching on the outside  ..... needless, scissors etc etc. I did some different machine stitches just to make it all faster. Not sure I really like it, but it is what it is, and it is another small project finished.

 Happy stitching

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Two more down

This little armchair organizer was quite easy to do, I did make some changes to the pattern. It is supposed to have a frill around the top of the rubbish bin but I'm not really into frills. Anyway this is my version.

This one was really simple to do, a pop-up bin. Not much to say about this.

Well that's it for this time.
Happy stitching

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Another Pattern Bites the Dust

Finished these Clam Bags yesterday. Another pattern that I have had for a while. There are 5 sizes in the pattern so I did all 5. The zippers I have used are what I could find in my sewing room so they just had to do.

Not sure what my next project will be. I've got a couple of patterns out with the plan to get them done but who knows, I might change my mind.

Happy stitching

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Because I Could

I have finished a couple of things over the past couple of weeks. These are things that I had the patterns and that were mindless to make ..... easy peasy.

First was this chook which is quite big. Took me nearly a week, on and off, to make this ..... I just couldn't get my act together.

I just love this bow cushion, it's just a bit different to the norm. Made in an hour or so, another thing to find a place to put it. 

 This past week saw me getting my little owl family together. Once again very easy using hot glue to put the eyes, nose and base on. It is such a long time since I used hot glue but I hadn't forgotten how much it hurts when it gets on you so I was super careful, or so I thought I was, but .... I burnt my thumb .... ouchy it was, I'm sure I said more than 'ouch'.


Not sure what my need project is .... mmmmm food for thought. 

That's it for this time. 
Happy stitching

Monday, 8 July 2019

Monthly Projects

I have finished my BOM mini quilt and the GOM for July. Only one more month of each to go. I will be so happy when they are all done.

I've mostly been doing hand stitching lately so not much to show. Hopefully there will be more in my next post.

Happy stitching