Showing posts with label macro photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macro photography. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2013

" Mac is back" - I Heart Macro

Hello friends,

It's so great to have I Heart macro back! Thank you Lori for hosting again for another year.

Here is my contribution for today. A gift from a friend at Christmas.. she knows I am partial to both of these.......

Nice texture... but what am I...? The top.

Getting closer... have you guessed yet?

Yep, I am drawing this out bit! The middle.

The base.

Margaret knows I love both birds and paperweights( and again! )
Isn't he just so sweet. Thank you Margie.

Today I am linking up to I Heart Macro hosted by Lori at Studio Waterstone.
For those who love to take up close and macro photos.

Please do pop on over for a look... or better still, join in!

studio waterstone

Have a great day,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Heart Macro - Pretty in Pink.

Hello dear friends,

Thanks for still visiting me these last weeks...I have had a bit of the "Blog Blues"... just not knowing what to write and feeling like I haven't a lot to say etc...and hence keeping away.

I go through stages like that sometimes... however, today is another day... and I am joining up with our lovely host Lori.. over at Studio Waterstone for "I Heart Macro."
This is for those who love to take up close and macro photos... please join me over there and check it out!. Click on the photo below to take you straight there.

studio waterstone

Here are a few contributions from me.
It's that time of year.. for these beauties... pink Cyclamen.

A collection of little pink 'flags'

A sweet bud nestled in the centre.

Love the striations when you get up close and the flare of gorgeous bright pink. 

And just for fun, here is a mystery photo. Can you guess what it is?

I would also like to welcome my new followers... thank you for joining me. I promise I will lift my game!!

That's it for me today, folks!

Have a great day, whatever you do..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Heart Macro- A Different Era.

Hello dear readers,

Welcome to my Sunday post of I Heart macro - hosted by Lori from Studio Waterstone.

Did you guess what it was?

Just noticed there is a dead spider attached to the ribbon!

Partially exposed on the left is my computer wireless about juxtaposition of old and new!

This lovely old typewriter has seen plenty of work and love over the years, and remarkably, still works.
No, it was not mine...but a gift from an elderly friend.

I did once learn to school.....and I was terribly bad at it.
The teacher, in desperation put paper over the keys so I wouldn't look at them! That worked well!
I then typed total drivel...and still didn't remember where the keys were located. I just don't think my heart was ever in it....and I still type with 2 fingers and look at the keys to this day!

My father was a journalist and I remember the constant tap-tap of the keys at home....he had one like this was much quieter when he became all modern and purchased an electric typewriter. I missed that re-assuring sound, but I think my Mother was glad to hear the end of it!

studio waterstone

Please head on over to Lori's for a peak at other photos by those who love macro and close-up photography. Click on the picture logo above and it will take you straight there!

Hope your weekend is a good one.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Heart Macro- Mother's Day Sunday 8th of May.

I Heart Macro....

Autumn is drawing almost to an end and the vine is losing it's beautiful red leaves.

Protea flower in Mother's day bouquet.

Happy Mother's day to all the mums out there in blogland. I hope you have had a great day.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Heart Macro

Hello dear readers,

I have always loved taking macro photos. The everyday items we see around us appear SO different when photographed in a macro mode.
I do not possess a SLR camera with a macro lens, just a little point and shoot camera adjusted to it's macro setting.
That's all you need for a bit of photographic fun!

Here are a few photos I captured this weekend.

Please click on the I Heart Macro picture on the left hand side to take you to more photos by other macro- lovers . It is hosted by Lori at studio Waterstone



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