Showing posts with label frit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frit. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Colour in a jar!

Hello friends,

This lovely "paint in a jar" arrived today from Val Cox Frit... twelve little jars of 2oz each.. I bought the set, the "Painters Series 12" as there was free shipping! Now that is a bonus when you live on the other side of the world!
I can't wait to give them a go. Friday might be the day.

For those who do not know, 'frit' is crushed glass in small pieces which can be added to a bead for decoration.. or background.. Val has so many frit selections to choose from, however this set of 12 looks absolutely wonderful.

Hope you are having a great day,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

A glass journey - Goblets

I have always loved glass.

Twenty-six years ago, ( OMG really!) my husband purchased 8 glass goblets as part of a wedding gift to me.

We had first noticed the goblets at a restaurant that we used to frequent: "The Cat's Tango", in St. Lucia, Brisbane.
So we drove down to Byron Bay N.S.W. to find the  glass maker, Colin Heaney.

At his studio we were entranced to watch him as he made the goblets from recycled glass, dipping the gathers of hot glass and rolling it in the various coloured frit ( small pieces of crushed glass).

Who would know that years later I would be doing a similar thing in my own back - yard studio (a little shed really!), using MUCH smaller amounts of glass and frit to make lampwork glass beads!

Colins' glass goblets became more refined over the years - far more delicate and also with a lot more detail.

However, I still love his early, rustic style the best!

Here are some of the goblets and the crazy, tortuous stem on one of them.

Cheers for now,



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