Are you going to jump on the bandwagon and choose 'a word for a year?'
In 2012, I thought about my choice a lot... until the word chose me, if that's possible... but I am sure you know what I mean... the word really spoke to me and I felt it was a good personal choice for the year ahead. That word was 'Develop'.
I felt I did use my word reasonably well... I did both learn and develop further some areas of jewelry making... continuing to work on refining both soldering and sawing skills and also to embrace new techniques and ideas.
Of course, the word 'Develop' is a word that I will continue to work on this year... in fact throughout the rest of my life, really!
However my chosen word for this new year of 2013 is AUTHENTICITY.
I am hoping that as I continue this jewelry making journey, that my own style will be born.
Learning skills and techniques is well and good... but to make my work into my own style is something I hope, with hard work, may appear...something that is authentic and with a "genuine origin"...
Last year, I also attempted to take 'a photo a day'. I lasted until the end of July when the passing of my Father just knocked me for six and I didn't have the enthusiasm to continue.
I think I will give it a go again this year... it can be a lot of fun... it is very easy and yet it really makes me think a little and appreciate the special little things that happen in my daily life each and every day. I also found I became a little more observant to the world around me... sometimes looking for that photo that would be both true of my day as well as appealing in some way.
I am posting my daily photo on 2013 Photo a day challenge - Flickr group.
Join in if you wish... I just use my phone camera... no special cameras etc are required. Just enthusiasm!
Flickr groups are easy to join and free as well.
Beautiful feathers... today's gift.
I wish you all well for this coming, wonderful year ahead,