Monday, July 30, 2012

Moved It Around!

Hello everyone!  Thanks for all your suggestions and we followed them!  We pulled out the sliders and moved all the bad boys around.  Left it for a bit, sat on it, watched a little t.v.

What do you think?  


Side by side...

I know what our thoughts are!  What are yours?  Tell me if you like the daylight vs. night better!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Settling In

Happy Sunday friends!  I hope you had as great a weekend as I did!  We have a local festival going on all week and Saturday night we spent in a park eating ribs and listening to Bluegrass music!  I am really enjoying our little town and the small town feel of it.  Our neighbors are incredible and I already feel very at home here.

The house... the house is coming along.  Most of the important rooms are livable.  That is about it for now.  Nothing is really organized and that is o.k. with me for another month.  I am going to have all the time in the world come September when my baby starts school all day everyday for the first time.  She is giddy and I am heartbroken!  I am going to miss her so much!  I am spending so much time with her this summer and the cleaning, organizing and decorating can all take place after Labor Day! Here are a few pictures of the house with actual things in it!  It looks awful so just remember... Summer of Jemma!

When you walk in the front door, to the left is the dining room.  It is so nice to have a big space for my grandfather clock again!  We actually found out that she is a grandmother clock!  Grandmother's are bigger than grandfather's.  Who knew???

To the right is a sitting area.  I originally had the dining room on this side but when you walked up the stairs, you could see the top of the hutch which looked awful.  We thought about laying a piece of painted wood but the electric boxes wouldn't let it lay flat, so it went into the "actual" dining room space above and we threw some furniture into this space for a seating area.  Don't be alarmed everyone... this is not how it will stay forever!!!

We put a sofa table on the landing with some pictures.  I am kind of digging it!

If you head down the foyer you come into our living room/kitchen area.  It is a really big open space.  

I got this gorgeous mirror on sale for $30 dollars!  I found a $5 off coupon and will take it back to get $5 more off!  I wish it were bigger so I could put it over the mantle, but oh well... this beauty will find a home!

Some of our seashell collection thrown in a container.  I love that we gathered all these during our time in Charleston.

A super fast summer mantle.  I know the mirror isn't big enough.  I am thinking about making my own sunburst mirror to go here.  I bought the shutters for $8 dollars each and the candleholder for $10 at a cute little store that is only open once a month in our town!  This store is a blogger's dream.  It is filled with repainted and repurposed items!  I got the cute beachy votive holders at Michaels on sale.  I love how all the blue and green goes with my summer pillows!

For now, my houses are below my end tables!

If you take a left by the big brown chair, you go down a "hall" of sorts to my office.  Hang on to your hats!!  It is a mess!!!!

This is just some of our art work for the walls!  I have to purge!

 Now, I need your advice!  I set up the living room this way with the sofa stretched along the window and the hubby's chair to the side with the area open by the "hall".  I felt this really opened up the room. The BHW thinks it should be opposite to create a "room" and open up the windows.  I told him I am happy to try it, but I think this way is better.  He said to ask all my blogger friends so I am!

What do you think?

Have a great week!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm Back!!! Wooo hooooo!

Hi everyone!!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July!  I know we did.  I did my tour through Tennessee and South Carolina.  As much as I loved my time with everyone and Jemma got her grandparents, Zoe, and cousin time in, it was nice to sleep in my own bed! 
 I have a picture montage to show our trip!

Watering tomato plants with Poppy

Playing in the fields.  I was trying to get the sun flare!  I think it looks like a pacifier!

My niece is getting married late July and I did a bridal shoot for her!  It was fun, but 107 degrees made it a bit warm!!

Then it was on to Myrtle Beach!  We did a one night stay in Charleston and visited friends.  I took pictures with my phone so I will have to share those later!  Jemma had a great time with Zoe!  They were so happy to see each other! 
 The Fourth was awesome and time with BIL, SIL, nieces and nephews is always great!

The moon on the 4th was a gorgeous orange and I tried to capture it.  This was the best shot!  I love the fireworks in front!

My favorite picture!

Then a quick trip to Nashville to see my other SIL and Nana.  I didn't even get a picture of Jemma with Aunt Vickie!  Next time!!  I did get lots of shots of Buddy, her dog, who is the sweetest thing!

Jemma and Nana

We were to come home on Tuesday, but storms in Atlanta messed everything up!  After 6 hours at the airport (with two of those being on the plane sitting on the runway!), we had Nana come back to get us and got a direct flight out the next day!  

We are home and here for a while!  Have a great weekend!