Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ahhhh, The Beach...

Hello everyone!  We survived the move out of the house and spent a great week with my in-laws in Florida.  We are now at Kiawah Island in a condo 200 yards from the beach.  It is a tough life but someone has to do it!!  We had a going away party last night, a baby shower today, a paint party on Monday and going away dinner with our neighbors on Thursday.  Throughout all that, we are just hanging on the beach!  We all love it.  Murphy especially!  We have seen a spunky side to her that we haven't seen in a long time when we walk on the beach!  Have a great weekend!

This is heaven to me!!!  This one will be framed in my new house somewhere!!

Happy Sunday!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Good bye for a bit...

Hi everyone!  I hope this day finds you well!  It is a gorgeous day here in South Carolina and our last in our house.  As I type, I am sitting on the floor with my computer and keyboard in my lap.  We don't have much left in our house.  Beth from Dirty Laundry (who is an absolute hoot!  If you need a giggle, read her blog!)  emailed and asked me how it was going and I think I summed it up.

I am so sad to be leaving this sweet home, Charleston, the beach, my palm tree, and our dear friends.  I am ready for it to be done though and move on.  I am upset that I can't "settle" for another month and a half.

That is a lot of crazy emotion I am dealing with on top of turmoil in my family.  Why do people turn more cruel than ever after the death of a loved one?  Facebook and texting just aren't o.k. when you are dealing with family.   I am watching my family be torn apart and am so sickened and saddened by people's behaviors.  Pray for peace for my parents, if you can.  They need it.

We are headed to Florida tomorrow to visit the grandparents and have a little R&R.  It is always so relaxing there!  We need it!  Then it is back to Charleston for a couple of weeks, then to Tennessee to see my parents, and then... we head up north!  I am going to take a detour and visit my BFFL in Michigan before we head to Minnesota!  I can't wait!

I can't tell you how much I have appreciated all your sweet words during this move.  This one is really hard and I am so glad that no matter where I live, I will have all my blogging friends there to support me.  I have had two Minnesota bloggers reach out to me and knowing all of you are there is seriously what is making this a bit easier on me.  Thank you.

Have a great weekend and I will be back as soon as I can!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!  I know we did.  It has really been the perfect weekend.  Gorgeous weather, great friends, hanging out, Matilda Jane shopping, kids playing, church, eating out, and and egg hunting!  Perfection!

Movie night with best buddy

Easter eggs!

The Easter Bunny arrived!

Let the hunt begin!

C found the golden egg!

I hope you had a blessed Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Floor

Hello all!  We hit the Mall of America today.  OH MY!!!!!  That place is humongous!!!  We only hit the bottom floor and Jemma said, "Let's go.  I am exhausted!"  We will never have to go anywhere else again!  Especially as the Ikea is right across the street!  Wooo hoooo!!!  My only complaint is that there is no Pottery Barn in the mall.  Seriously???  How can you NOT be in the Mall of America!  Oh well, there is one close!  What a neat place!

We went back to the house today and I will take you on a tour of the main floor.

 This first shot is of the view when you enter the front door.   Pay no attention to the six year old in the floor!


This is the large living area to the right of the front door.  I am thinking about breaking all rules and making this my formal dining room as it is larger.  I don't know.  What are your thoughts? 

This is the dining room to the left side.  My dining set would be tight. 
 It would fit, but it would be snug.  I just think this would make a cozy sitting area.  

When you come down the foyer, you come into the kitchen on the right! 
 I fell in love with the painted island immediately!  It is a unique shape and I just love it!
 I love the oil rubbed bronze fixtures especially the pendant lights
The white door is the pantry.  It is quite a bit larger than my old one so I am geeked!

Another shot of the kitchen with a super cute husband!  I love how there is a regular oven and then the microwave/convection oven is on the top and then second oven is on the bottom.   

 This is my new stove.  I have never cooked on gas,
 and I am praying it is easy clean up when I boil stuff over!!

  This is looking back toward the front door from the kitchen.  The doorway to the right is the mudroom.  
We are going to put a door on it so you can't see it when you are eating dinner!

This is the mudroom.  On the left is a long closet that will be awesome for winter coats, supplies, brooms, mops, vacuums and the works!  I love the boot bench with the shelf above it. 
 It has three divisions.  How perfect is that!!!

Across from the kitchen is the family room.  I am not used to stained wood so that is going to be an adjustment.  Another interesting thing is that all the trim work is painted cream.  It is definitely warm looking but I am so used to the white!  It is all different and will be interesting as I decorate! 
The hall on the left leads to the office and the 3/4 bath.  
Jemma is enjoying a hot chocolate by the fire!  Gotta love a fireplace with a remote switch!

All winter long in Charleston, she has asked to have a hot chocolate by a "roaring fire"!  Ha!  We never built a fire in our fireplace in Charleston so the minute we had our new  house she asked for a hot chocolate.  
We obliged!

 The office

The 3/4 bath

A shot of the family room and kitchen area from the hall.  I love my island!  Have I mentioned that??  :-)

Tomorrow we will go to Jemma's new school to see about enrolling her for first grade.  We drove by today and it is a big school.  She was so excited or as she still says, "essited"!  It is right out of our neighborhood and literally a 4 minute drive.  If we get our tails in gear, we could walk to school!

I will be back soon with the top floor!  Have a great night y'all!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

We Found One!

Greetings from Minnesota!  I hope everyone has had a great weekend.  We have been very busy since arriving here on Thursday.  We looked at houses on Friday and Saturday and found a great home for our family of three!  We kept going back and forth between this house and a custom built neighborhood and something just felt really right about this house.  The best part is that it is a finished home that we can move into with a few weeks of arriving.  They are going to finish the basement for us so that will take a bit of time, but the home is done and ready to go!

It has so many great features and the quality is very impressive.  It isn't my dream kitchen with white cabinets and dark floors, but my island is unique and painted so I can deal!!!  It is way more home than we could possibly use, but we got such a great deal that we couldn't pass it up.  The thing that sold it for us was looking out the windows while in the house and watching kids going up and down the street and running through the backyards.  Wrap it up... we are home!  We signed the papers Saturday night.

Today we visited the house and neighbors came out from all over to say "hello".  Jemma started playing with the 5 year old girl and 7 year old boy next door immediately.  While we were in the house, a gaggle of girls ranging in age from 5 to 8 or 9 were running through the backyard.  It just felt so right!  God is good and has answered our prayers to find the right spot to raise our daughter for however long we are here.

Without further ado... our new house!

It is blue which reminded me so much of my beloved Charleston homes and for the first time ever... I have a FRONT PORCH!!!!   I can't tell you how much this excites me!  I see a swing and rocking chairs in my future!

I will share more pictures soon.  I took a ton today, but they were all blurry!  When I try to get fancy with my husband's point and shoot, it just never works!

We hit Ikea today.  Oh how I love it and it is 19 minutes from my new house!  The hubs may be in trouble!  Not to mention we went in the Mall of America to eat only as the mall was closed, but OH MY STARS!!!!  There are no words!!!!  

Thank you all for your sweet comments while we go through this crazy business.  I can't tell you how much your words have encouraged me and let me know that this is all going to be o.k.  It means so much and I know that no matter where I go, I will have my blogging buddies!