This week is book week at my daughters' school.
Tomorrow, my youngest has to dress up as her favourite book character.
This year she has chosen Glade the Dragon!
Mmmmmm - yeah Mum - I want to go to school dressed like that!!
But, I do like a challenge, so here's what I came up with!
Starting with this.....
...I adapted my own tutorial for a bath robe / dressing gown .
I added a hood, spikes down the back, made the back section longer than the sides - and wrapped that around to make the tail.
I added wings..
and a leaf necklace,
And finally covers for her boots so she has proper dragon feet!
So now she's all prepared for tomorrow!
What do you think?
The light was fading when we were taking pictures, hopefully I'll get some better shots tomorrow when she wears it for school!
What costumes have you made for your kids - or perhaps yourself?