Showing posts with label waldorf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waldorf. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2019

90 + Doll making Videos

Have you visited my YouTube Channel?

A Friend of Mine contacted me on Facebook and told me she had been to visit my Youtube channel, she had a question for me. 
I ask her what her question was and she said
"I have seen your channel and I 
want to know,  Why did you 
Make SO Many 

The following video is my reply

I still love these dolls all these years later. 

This summer I expect to go back to making
some dolls.  (Probably not 600 like last time I was making dolls)

Maybe my sewing machine will be 
willing to talk to me again after this 
long rest. 

Please leave a comment and let me know if you have any questions or replies. 

I love all my followers and look 
forward to hearing 
from you again. 


Peggy  aka.  Jeanlee