little before the holiday rush, I had a special order for engagement ring with herkimer diamond. the customer originally saw my posts on herkimer diamond ring and thought it would be perfect for their engagement rings. I was so thrilled to make somebody's engagement rings. because I use to sell engagement rings (and other fine jewelry but mainly engagement rings) when I was working at fine jewelry store. I love the meaning of the engagement rings and the excitement around it but I was always questioning how guys(mostly) buying/searching for the ring. they mainly concern about 4 c's and certificate and of course price. they don't really care about how the particular diamond speaks and makes you feel. like you are going to work round with certificate with it! I always thought that was little silly but have to go with the program since I was working for somebody. so, when I got my own engagement ring order, I was just stunned! I went back and forth with the customer on design, got stones in for them to chose, making of the rings... I enjoyed every moment! and that led me to think, I can and want to make engagement rings. but not typical diamond rings. I want to make more meaningful rings for people doesn't care about 4 c's and certificates!

with that say, I have few engagement rings and wedding rings in the works. and I'll have my new shiny toy in few days... stay tuned!
Happy Crafting:)