Showing posts with label winter break. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter break. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Winter is coming

I had to take a picture when Yasmin made these pretty
paw prints on the frozen bannister today.

Yes, I am one of those (hooked on Game of Thrones). But winter IS coming and that means the end for my leaf jewelry until May next year. It's sort of nice - all summer long I am in search of perfect willow leaves and have in the back of my head that I should make some more fern rings or pendants before it's too late. But now it's too late, and I feel pretty good about it! Those of you who have gardens will recognize the feeling: spring and summer are glorious times in the garden but are filled with musts, shoulds and have to's.

Winter is the quiet time where nothing needs to be done (except shovelling snow, which I will ignore for now). Without winter, I wouldn't enjoy spring and summer as much.
The last of the green leaves are now on their way out.
Here the raspberry leaves that give their pretty texture
to my small post earrings with leaf texture. 
Little bird at the bowl of peanuts. Winter is high season
for the birds.
For my jewelry, I wouldn't enjoy making leaf jewelry as much in summer if I didn't have that winter break. I should really focus on my vast stone collection and try to make it a little smaller (I'm starting to believe it is impossible).