Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Fall so Far. . .

We have had an exciting fall so far.

Russell is now in 1st grade!

Meghan plays with her babies and does home pre-school.

We had some visits from cousins!

We had some visits from woodchucks.

Joanna has done some crafting and craft shows.

Ben has taught school and had been really busy.

It has been much cooler here in the last week. We went from highs in the 90's down to highs in the 50's in one week! Here is the shelf cloud and cold storm front moving in.

That is all.
- Ben


PK said...

Looking forward to seeing you all in person tomorrow! Hopefully it will warm up a bit, 50's is kind of cold for us. :-)

Janet said...

I knew Ben wrote this from "greetings".

Cool woodchucks. I'm glad they're not badgers.
Cool cousins.
Cool kids.

Joanna said...

It's about time you wrote a blog post.