Sunday, August 19, 2018

Yellowstone National Park

Our stop in Yellowstone was brief, but we saw lots of awesome geological wonders in that short time. The kids were impressed by the things we saw. It helped that they could get out and move around to burn off their energy.

The Roosevelt Gate

 The North Entrance
 One of the things I love most about mountains: mountain streams!
 Tile detail work in the bathroom
 Mammoth Hot Springs

 Ben could give you some real good scientific ramblings about all this stuff, but he isn't writing the blog. He taught us as we walked around looking at everything. See his finger showing us what to look at?

 I don't know what is wrong with my kids.

 There was this really narrow side road you can drive through, but we skipped it due to all the other people who wanted to drive their cars through it. We'll do it next time when it isn't so busy....

How I occupied myself during the construction

 Artists Paintpots

 View from the top

 Gurgling mud which splashed onto Meghan and Ben

 There are lots of little pull outs along the road. The kids really wanted to get out of the van and into the river, so we stopped. We were only there a few minutes. It started raining as soon as we got back into the van.

 Old Faithful
We waited for about 45 minutes for it to erupt. These fellow tourists came right in front of us just as it was about to erupt. One of the ladies stood (right in front of me blocking my view) right as it was going off.

A splash-and-dash storm came through right as it was about to start, too. We found snowy chunks on our clothes. Russell got really grumpy because we were bad parents and left the jackets in the car. He was freezing.

 The Grand Prismatic Spring area. We didn't have time, but there is an overlook hike we really want to go see next time, too.

 White Dome Geyser