Friday, July 22, 2016

Scoresby Reunion 2016

Most of you people who read this blog were there, but here are pictures anyway.

Nice throw, Macey!

Everyone's favorite--Head of the Rapids

Even more fun things

When Janet was here after the reunion, we got more use out of our state park passes and headed down to the Forestville Mystery Cave State Park. It was pretty awesome to go caving and the kids did a great job being in the cave for an hour. Some of the other people in our tour group commented on how good they were.
Can you find the hiding Sanders child?

Haley looking super cute in Meghan's old jacket.

This was an underground pool. The blue color is natural and is a result of
some phenomenon that Ben would have to tell you about.

Brooke's glow is due to a foggy lens. The cave was 48 degrees, so when
we came out there was a significant temperature change.

Meghan looks like a giant!
Science camp with dad. Ben found it at Savers.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer Catch Up

I've been behind in blogging because we've been busy over the past couple of weeks.

Painted the bedrooms

The Jolly Green Giant on our way to visit the Woods

Visiting De Smet, SD home of the Ingalls Family

Meghan's #2 birthday and our 6th anniversary