Friday, September 25, 2015

Apple Orchard

I wanted to take Russell and Meghan to an apple orchard since we have been talking about apples in Russell's little preschool. Ben happened to be home yesterday, so we invited some friends to come along with us.

Mom and I went there once to see how their corn was priced for freezing, but we had never actually been into the orchard part.

They had a little play area where kids could wait for the tractor to come take us into the orchard. Russell was in heaven to find another park that had diggers.

 Meghan only got out of this car once to get on the swing with Ben. And, she was very determined to stay in the car.
 Riding in the wago out to the orchard. Russell was so happy to be riding on the tractor ride!!
 Russell was very happy to pick apples. Too bad it was 6 bucks for that very small bag.
 Proof that I was there, too.
Ben and Meghan's apple selfie. She would not put that apple down at all, even when she got to the seeds and when a bee came and landed on it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

One last summer hurrah

Thanks to Janet and Jacob, we got to have a final summer adventure going to Haley's blessing. The drive seems a lot longer than it should be, but we made it there and back without too much complaining from the troops.

Swimming in Janet's pool. Meghan was the happiest kid of all five that got in the pool. All the rest were chickens because it was cold.

Surprise party for the September birthdays. More on the cake over at the cupboard project.

Hanging out with the family.

Sleepy girl and boy.

She must have been really excited to be on vacation with only one child.
We had lots of fun hanging out with the family, visiting the Amish store, watching BYU win, going to church all together (especially since we are so obviously siblings), eating yummy food, etc. Too bad the other sib couldn't have made it.