Saturday, April 18, 2015

Walking Walking

This girl is getting so close to walking. She stands on her own without us even knowing that she is and keeps trying to take a little step, but ends up falling down.
Look at the happy smile!!!!
She is so happy that she is getting more and more mobile. She has also started climbing the stairs, but she prefers to dance around on the little corner step. One day she got so into her dancing that she fell off the stairs on onto the kitchen floor. Since then she has not spent much time on that stair.

 It's hard to keep this boy from moving! I'm surprised I was able to force him to take a nap yesterday. He has had pink eye this week, but that didn't slow him down one bit. He is so happy that the weather has turned mostly nicer so he can go outside.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A flashback to childhood

I realized that Russell was pajama-ed incorrectly for Easter when I put his pajamas on the night before. And, then again as I put the pictures up on the blog, I was reminded that  Russell should have probably wore some different ones. Then Janet commented on them. The whole time I kept thinking of this awesome clip from Anamaniacs.

I wish they still played Anamaniacs. I did notice that they have a whole bunch on YouTube if I ever cared to watch a bunch of YouTube. Just kidding. You have to pay money to watch the actual episodes. There were some pretty epic ones. Like when Yacko sang the Country Song. Another classic one. What ones do you remember?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter!

We had a happy Easter day yesterday. It is always nice to have General Conference on Easter partly because we don't have to go anywhere. Russell remembers last Easter and all the fun at Grandma and Grandpa's so he was excited for this Easter.

We also had the missionaries over for a light lunch and then one of Ben's counselors over for dinner (his wife and daughter were in Utah). It was a fun day.

Coloring eggs

A sampling of our handiwork

Meghan found her basket. This is the last year Ben is allowed to buy Easter candy.....

So happy to have an egg.

Ben supervising the egg hunting. Can you find the egg?

Russell in action looking for Eggs.

Meghan found one!