I'll dedicate this to my feelings on pregnancy #2 so skip this post if you don't care.
1. Being pregnant and not working is much easier than being pregnant and working. Russell usually didn't care if I didn't get dressed or off the couch if I wasn't feeling good. It is a little more relaxing even with Russell running around.
2. I was much better prepared on what to expect so I wasn't so miserable. I knew how to better handle the early pregnancy stomach unhappiness, the increased nasal/sinus congestion/mucus, etc. It made it nicer, so I generally felt better.
3. Preparing for another kid has not been as exciting probably because we had most everything (besides cute girl clothes), but it has made it a lot easier since we have everything. All we had to do was a little rearranging and then getting other things out of storage and cleaning them off.
4. Having your first child 3 weeks early and then not having your second child early really stinks! I have been pregnant 2 weeks longer than I was with Russell, and I am done with it. I have told her repeatedly it is time to come out, but she doesn't seem to listen very well.
For those who don't know, ever since 28 weeks I have been seeing a maternal fetal medicine doctor because some doctor (not my good old family medicine doctor) noticed that my thyroid hormone levels are not in the range doctors like it to be in while you are pregnant. The funny thing, though, is that it is pretty much where my thyroid level is normally. Anyway, I haven't enjoyed all the extra appointments and ultrasounds or even the doctor visits. Every single time I have gone he keeps telling me, "Well, everything looks just the same as last time." All the ultrasound techs say, "She looks perfect and everything is measuring right on." While it has been nice to have more than just the one ultrasound, it keeps annoying me when I keep going in to be told what I have already known.
Tomorrow is my 39 week appointment. I'm hoping that they'll keep me there because I'm dilated to a 4 or 5, but they probably won't even do more than just take my blood pressure and then feel around on my stomach. Hmpf.
We've done quite a few picnics since I've been pregnant... |