This Easter we went to Mom and Dad's and spent Ben's entire spring break there. Because of all the snow days and the fact that this school district thinks they have to make up days, spring break was Friday only so our stay was shorter than we would have liked.
It was also fun to see Joseph and Tracy and kiddos while we were there (Ben and Shannon and girls too, but we almost always see them when we go to Mom and Dad's). Russell loved having cousins to play with but wasn't sure about having to share.
Russell especially loved Baby Alexa and Holly. He would ask to hold Alexa and would give plenty of kisses, plus he liked to play with them when they were hanging out. Hopefully,this is a good indicator for the future :)
The grandkids colored Easter eggs. Grandma is getting soft because she said they could color seven eggs each! Due to some unfortunate events by the egg cooker, they only got to do six each and some of the grown ups got to color one.
Macey and Afton had a blast, Joseph and Tanner were in their little world, and Ben and Sadie are unimpressed with the whole thing. |
Ben's Mom would make these bunny rolls for Easter each year. We will also be making them every year because they are delicious. It was unfortunate that we had to share them with everyone else.
The next day we had a little Easter egg hunt for all grandkids. It was hard to get them to sit long enough for a picture before everyone headed outside.
The little kids waiting to go outside. |
The big kids had to wait for the little ones to get a headstart. |
Because we practiced beforehand, Russell was excellent at finding eggs. I'm sure in the future when he can run faster, he will beat his older cousins at getting eggs. Plus, he can just use his weight and push them out of the way if need be.
*-Good picture of the boys. Bad picture of the girls. |
Good picture of the girls. Bad picture of the boys. How do you get 5 young kids all looking and smiling at the same time? |
Russell was a super stinker on Sunday. He was quite uncooperative and wouldn't let me put his Easter outfit on, so we'll have to try again next Sunday for a good Easter picture. When we left, Rusrsell was basically asking for me to get him all snuggled up in his chair with his best sleeping buddies by the time we got to the freeway.
He had a good nap on the drive home, plus an awesome night of sleep thanks to being thoroughly warn out from all the fun with cousins (including being awakened early by Afton to find his Easter basket), not getting normal naps/sleep at night, and getting home after his bed time. Plus, we had thunderstorms last night and it was still dark and rainy this morning so he slept in past 8:30.
We all had a wonderful Easter celebration and are grateful for the reason that we can celebrate Easter.