Monday, May 20, 2013

While we move

Here is a little something to tide you over while we are busy moving over the next week or so.

 He must have a horrible life or something in order for him to do this. And, he does it all the time.
 This is his birthday present from us. He really likes it, and so did his babysitter the other night. There are a few thing he can't do yet, so it can grow with him as he figures out how to do them.

 I don't know where he gets these faces. I don't make them all day long.
 Russell really loved this little piano toy at the people's house we babysat. Unfortunately, so did their 2 year-old and she would come and shove Russell off it. She even hauled it into her room once so Russell wouldn't get it.

We've been enjoying the weather and the chance to use our bikes. Russell especially likes it when we go really fast on the bike. He squeals in delight

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Birthday, Russell!!

We celebrated Russell's birthday on Monday while we were watching another family of children.

 The birthday boy wearing a crown the two-year old girl wouldn't stop putting on his head. He knew it was pink and kept trying to take it off, but she kept putting it right back on.
 An impromptu party. The other kids were very happy to celebrate (and have cake and ice cream). The other boy in the picture turned 6 the Friday before.
 Russell literally picked his whole piece of cake up and shoved it in his mouth. more of the cake made it in than the dinner we had.
Many hands make light work. Russell was so tired by this point and didn't care about opening presents, but all the other kids wanted to open them!

We are both so happy to have our little boy in our family! Even with all of his finickiness, he fills our life with lots of smiles and laughs. We love him!