Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Chair

Back in May we bought a comfortable & cheap chair at Savers, which unfortunately had really gross fabric on it. So we also bought a lot of really cool blue upholstery fabric to reupholster the chair with.
Russell lounging in the chair we just bought from Savers back in May. Notice how dirty the chair is! 
 We started the process by slowly and methodically peeling back the layers of fabric, and we eventually got to the bones of the chair. I did most of the deconstruction, and Joanna did the fabric.
Dissection of the chair started with removing the skirt, which was just stapled in place with cardboard. 

At first we couldn't figure out what was holding the side panels to the chair, then we discovered that flaps of the panels were wrapped around this tack strip and hammered into the wood of the chair! Chair-makers are clever! 

Here's the chair with no back and side panels, no skirt, no cushion, and no rotating/rocking metal base! 

Once the back panel was off, we started removing the staples from the front panel.
This is the top of the chair which has fabric, fluff, and a supporting web-like rigid mesh all sewed together! 

Here is the front pillow/panel of the chair detached from the frame, and the arm-rest panels have been removed too.
Hundreds of staples were removed during this project! 

This is the lower arm rest exterior. There was soooooo much nasty junk caught in here!
I found toys, popcorn, coins, rocks, wrappers, etc.
And the fabric had lots of stains all over it! Gross! 
 When we were all done with the deconstruction, then came the fun part! We put the chair back together the best we could remember that it went. . . .
Here's Joanna with the completely naked chair frame.
She is attaching the first of the new upholstery panels!
She's thrilled. 

After an evening of work, we had the pillow back panel reattached, the front panel, and the left arm panel
Joanna spent a lot of time meticulously copying each panel from the old fabric, and making sure all the pieces were sewed together properly! This was here uber-craft for the fall! 
 We ran into a little bump in the road when we couldn't get the tack strips to hammer nicely back in to the chair, so we improvised and ended up with a more fancy looking chair! (Joanna had to hammer in most of these silver button nails because for some reason I kept bending them!!) Plus Russell loves to push the chair's buttons!
Finally the front-facing parts of the chair are all stapled back on! I did most of the reconstruction up to this point, but then I turned it over to the hammer skills of Joanna to put the new back panel on.
I did this because I kept ruining the upholstery nails/buttons we bought, and the tack strips were too bent out of shape to re-use. . . 

Tah-dah! Here is the finished product!
Notice how bright and vibrant it is!
Now that IS a chair we want to sit in!
Russell loves it!
He is very proud of  his mommy and daddy for this new-look and feel comfy chair for his room! 

Here is the chair back in its spot in Russell's room.
Russell is admiring its splendor . . . . 

Bonus Russell picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All in all, it was a great learning process, and the chair now looks fantastic!!

So everyone should come visit us just to see our newly reupholstered chair!!!!!

- Ben

Monday, November 11, 2013

Just kickin' it

We spend most days just kickin' it around the house. We are trying to cut trips into town to save gas (one of the reasons we moved close to Ben's school). It hasn't been as successful as we hoped due to one church calling requiring someone to go in more frequently than we expected (three times this week, not including church).

So, Russell and I try to find ways to keep from going to crazy.
 No-shave Movember. Russell isn't a fan.
 I guess when you are 18 months you can wear whatever you want.
He is so happy when he is helping. I'm keeping this to remind him in a few years when he starts complaining about  having to do work around the house :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This Halloween was much more exciting than last years Halloween. We started off with the ward chili cook-off and trunk or treat and young women fundraiser. Our trunk or treating experience wasn't nearly as bad as Sarah and Brian's, but we have way fewer children in the ward, and they did it inside in the classrooms so kids couldn't go around super fast.

Russell really got the hang of getting candy in his little trick or treat bag pretty quick. He even would say trick or treat if he was prompted.

Two scientists and a little mummy. I made the mummy costume which worked out pretty well once I figured out what I should do.

Ben was sad his chili didn't win. I was sad because I made some little boy ties to donate to the young women bazaar/bake sale and left them on our kitchen table. Now Russell has lots of new ties for church.

We also carved our pumpkin and played with the Mr. Pumpkin-head kit my visiting teaching companion gave Russell.
The Mom Smile (or Grandma Smile in his case).
 Real pumpkin carving wasn't quite the smashing success as the pumpkin-head kit was. Russell didn't want to touch the inside of that pumpkin at all, but he enjoyed smelling them (?) and then the finished results. He liked looking at the jack-o-lantern everyday.

That was how we celebrated Halloween this year. My last mission companion came to visit and flew in on Halloween day. We didn't end up getting back from the airport until almost 7 so Russell didn't get to go outside and do any real trick-or-treating. He still had lots of fun anyway, and we still have plenty of candy to eat.

Friday, October 25, 2013

This is the day we've waited for!

Today was the big day we've been waiting for for years! All Ben's hard work in law school and enduring the bar exams was recognized today at the Law Admissions Ceremony.

There were 544 of the 670(ish) people who passed July's bar exam there to be sworn in. Some of them had sponsors who moved to have them admitted (and then gave a long discourse of how this person is the 4th generation of lawyers in the family and it would only make the Minnesota State Bar so much better to have them as part of it, blah, blah, blah). It was pretty long especially for an 18 month old who only has energy to burn.

The ceremony was an official session of the Supreme Court of Minnesota presided over by the Supreme Court State Justices.

Here is video of Ben's name being read. Listen closely right at the beginning and look for the fuzzy person to stand up. That is Ben.

Russell and I are very proud of Ben and all his hard work and perseverance. We know it wasn't easy to study while we were around and always finding fun things to do, but we are thankful for the sacrifice he made for us!

Here are the random pictures Russell and I took to keep him occupied while we waited and waited.


The service dog who sat in front of us. All the kids in the area really wanted to pet it, including Russell. He repeatedly said, "A daw! A daw! A daw!" just in case the people around us weren't aware that there was a dog sitting in front of us.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall time

The weather has definitely turned cooler here in Minnesota after a nice Indian summer.  With the cooler weather, though, it means we spend more time inside which drives both me and Russell a little crazy.

Russell has been doing lots of warm clothes modelling. He loves his puffy vest and likes to pat his tummy when he wears it. Russell loves to carry his chair around the house so he can always watch the action wherever it is happening.

I've done some sewing projects recently to use up the fabric I have filling boxes and boxes here in the apartment and in our storage shed. I am must excited for Russell's Halloween costume which started out pretty rough, but after a few changes turned out to be pretty darn cute. I'm hoping over the next week I can teach Russell how to properly trick-or-treat, but that might be hard since he doesn't seem to want to say very much.

Ben has stayed busy with school and projects around the apartments. This week is MEA break so he tackled the garage and is checking things off our winterizing to-do list. He still can't believe he has passed the bar exam. He still checks just to make sure it is true. Ben really enjoyed our date night last week so he could preview the movie Gravity to see if he could work it into his conceptual physics curriculum and take his class to see it. It was good, but there were a few scenes that I did not enjoy thanks to the 3D.

We hear that snow is looming on the horizon and are hoping that we don't get much more than a few stray flakes for a few more weeks.Until then, we will try to get as much outside time as we can.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Well, I passed the bar exam! Yay!
The Admission Ceremony will be held on Friday, October 25, 2013, in the Roy Wilkins Auditorium at St. Paul Rivercentre, 175 Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN. 
Ceremony start time is 10:30 a.m.
Expected end time is approximately 12:00 noon.

Thanks for all the prayers!
Thanks to Joanna for always helping me in the right direction and to Russell for being a great son.
AND to everyone else!

We went to Red Lobster tonight to celebrate! Yum! The crab, shrimp, cheese rolls, and lobster pizza were well worth it!

If you need legal assistance and live in MN . . . . then ask me after October 25th . . . . and I'll see what I can do!

Work is fine for me. Chemistry and physics are interesting topics to teach, and the kids are good enough. Joanna and Russell continue to charm the residents here, and get work done.

Russell on the prowl for food. . . .

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

4 Month Update

Things here in apartment managing are going much better than after our first week. Here is what's up.

We have made friends with quite a few of the senior residents. All of the ladies adore Russell and come out of their apartments when they hear him in the hall. Most of them have also told us we are doing a great job.

The family building has been a little bit harder to make good buddies. They are polite when we are around. They have done reasonably well adjusting to the rules they should have been following before we started.

We have only had a few minor incidents that we weren't expecting. For the most part they have ironed them out on their own.

We've also been able to do extra work for some extra money. It's fun to get my own paycheck again :)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Penultimate Summer Adventures


Joanna, Russell and I have been pretty busy since the end of July. All three of us have worked hard managing these apartments, working in our new church callings, and just spending time with each other! 
What follows is a series of pictures and brief descriptions of what we have been up to for the last few weeks:
We dismantled our couches to repair cracked wood beams, then we put them back together. This is Russell relaxing in the upside-down couch! Look how happy he is! 

We bought some floaty toys for Russell to use when we go to the pool or to the beach. Russell did not enjoy them in either of those two circumstances, but he does like them as recliners for reading. . . .
(At the beach he prefers to play in the sand with sand shovels.)

We have been attempting to eat healthier. . . . but with limited success. . .
Here is a picture of one of the successes: Joanna made broccoli, salad, and tangy potato sticks. 

Russell enjoys a healthy meal!
(He also enjoys a not-so-healthy meal too! (see below)). 

With his teeth coming in, Russell has been a little bit more whiny than normal.
Here he is taking a mandatory nap on daddy to try to alleviate some baby stress. 

We were lucky enough to get some MN Twins baseball tickets this year to see them play the Cleveland Indians.
We go to one of the Twins-Indians games each year, and the Twins always seem to lose.
This year they also lost. :(
However, it was "dollar-dog-day", so all the hotdogs were only $1 !
Normally the hotdogs are $4, so this was a great deal.
So Russell had 1 dog, Joanna had 3, and Ben had 10. (No joke!)
They were DELICIOUS!

Here's Russell paying attention to . . . . not the game.
It's ok anyways because they were just cleaning the field at this moment. 

The Twins game!
Target Field is a beautiful facility! We love going there!
This year the weather was perfect - not much sun, a little cool breeze, and some warmth. 

Daddy and baby enjoying the game! 

We did lots of road-tripping this summer, and this is pretty much how Russell felt about the experiences.
Here he is playing peek-a-boo with us, and of course putting his little feets on the back of our seats. 

Sears Tower in Chicago.
Well, actually, the skyscraper formally known as Sears Tower. 

We did lots of this.
Joanna is a pro now at driving manual transmission Dodge Neons.
Especially during horrible inclement weather!
. . . Like rain or snow, and especially when it is pouring down sunshine! 

We went to visit Mt. Vernon, OH for Joanna's 10 year high school reunion.
The reunion was lame, but the visit to where she grew up, and to her friends was awesome!
This is Joanna standing in front of the elementary school she went to! 

This is Russell and Joanna's old schoolmate Meghan at the 'upside-down tree' on the Kenyon College campus near Mt. Vernon. Meghan was fun to hang around, and Russell and I soon found out why Joanna has been friends with her for so long! She and Russell became close friends, and Russell enjoyed spending time with her!
She is a middle school teacher, and is great with kids, so Russell felt at ease! 

We spotted this primate species swinging through the upside-down tree, and we were lucky enough to snap a non-blurry picture of it as it paused to observe us. We think that is is related to Sasquatch. 

Here we are in Ohio! 

Here is Mary, Meghan, and Joanna! Three good high school friends! 

I was impressed with Meghan's house! It had a Frank Lloyd Wright feel to it. . . 

Meghan's kitchen with the delicious peach shortcakes she made! 

At the MN State Fair! On opening day! Yay! Our first stop was to visit the animals - specifically the nice fuzzy bunnies. Russell loved them! 

Russell was not so fond of the roosters and chickens. . .
But he did have a nice discussion with this one. 

This is when Russell got to pet the rabbits. He was so excited and he loved it! 

He was not very excited about the larger livestock, like these sheep.
But clearly Joanna was loving it! 

Here's Russell and me eating FRIED CHEESE CURDS!
See how Russell is savoring every morsel? Such an intelligent and discerning boy!
He had to close his eyes and move the squeeky cheese curd around his mouth to pick up all the subtle flavors.
By the way, this was about 10am.
It was just the beginning of a long day of deliciousness.

Here is Russell and Joanna in the large cattle barn. All these cattle were on display and were ready to be judged.
Russell just kept thinking about hamburgers here for some reason. . . . 

Russell was super amused at the Oink Booth. (As is evident by his pig hat and his facial expression.)
Did you know that pigs start off only weighing 3 to 4 pounds, but then gain about 1 to 1.5 pounds a day so that when they are 1 year old they are already over 250 pounds?
The biggest boar at the fair was named "Big Kenny" and weighed 1045 pounds!

Here is Russell petting a goat. He loved it! 

Russell and I spoke to this pre-bacon pig for a few minutes. He was very nice, and Russell didn't know what to think of the pig's sniffing snout.

These were LARGE horses! Russell watched from close-up as they trotted back and forth and got groomed and ready for the judges. 

Russell was sad that these enormous pumpkins were not a pie yet.
The one on the left weighs 881 pounds!
If you want to see all the results of the judging at the MN State Fair, click on this link:

Russell and I enjoyed the crop art! These pictures are made by gluing different colored crop kernels and seeds on a canvas. We especially loved the picture right above my head. . . .    :)
Jim, watch out!!!

I was fascinated by this prize-winning "garden in a dish" that I saw. It was awesome, and I would love to start one to keep me cheery in the dreary winters. 

Here is Joanna admiring all the different types of  flowers. 

Here is Joanna enjoying the last of the elephant ear, and Russell is gnawing on the last of the foot-long corn dog.

We stopped at the MN Republican Party booth, and Joanna and Russell got a picture with the elephant. Russell was less than impressed, and I hope it's not because he's a democrat. . . .
It was probably because he was scared of the blue elephant costume.
He did calm down after getting a Republican balloon . . . that he proudly held on to the rest of the day.
I spoke with the MN Republican Party chairman, and told him he was doing a good job trying to get families and kids involved. (He also had a hammer-slam-bell thingy for people to hit, and a complicated web-chart showing the crazy intricacies of Obamacare.)

We then stopped in at the 1500 ESPN booth to watch the opening of Garage Logic - my favorite radio show.
Each year the host, Joe Soucheray (Sue-sure-ray), and his buddy 'Rookie' interview Marjorie Johnson as their first guest. Marjorie is about 4.5 feet tall, and talks a mile a minute - and she is pretty old! She is hilarious to listen to, and she has been on Letterman and Leno. Her claim to fame is her personality, and her repeatedly winning the top ribbon prize for baked goods and pies at the MN State Fair.
The "GL" sticker I have on the back of my car is for 'Garage Logic'. 

A road at the fair. 

Joanna and Russell walking down a road at the fair.
Can you tell what Russell is doing in there? 

Russell was eating a fresh and sweet grilled corn on the cob! It was delicious and dipped in butter!
So good!!! But, he had had just too much fun, so he was taking a little nap before we started eating again.

Just a random street at the fair.
Can you find Joanna?

One of the best things at the fair is Sweet Martha's Cookies! We buy a whole bucket, and then go to the endless cold milk booth to eat the cookies with. See how Russell is eating that chocolate chip cookie? Well he eventually was covered all over his face with chocolate, and his hands, and everything he touched.

We stopped back at the radio booth for the end of Garage Logic and the start of Sports Talk - I wanted to see in person Joe, and his buddy Patrick Reusse (Roy-see). Do you see me in this picture?
GL discusses local and national politics and other issues with a conservative spin. They are generally pretty funny, and it is totally a Minnesota and mid-west thing. You can listen to the show live or on podcasts at
http://www.1500espn.com/shows/garagelogic    .

Russell likes to peek out the back hatch of the stroller. Here Joanna took a picture of him peeking out, and also playing in the chocolatey-buttery-watery mess he made in his cup-holder. 

Deep fried candy bars! Not as good as I was hoping, but still delicious! 

This is me drinking a lemonade, eating a small shrimp cocktail, and Russell enjoying a drink while overseeing his Republican balloon. Fun times at the fair! 

We watched a bit of this boy acapella group sing a song at one of the bandstands. 

This is Joanna getting ready to savor a delicious rhubarb and strawberry sundae at the dairy barn. In the background are the awesome butter sculptures - only 1 is completed on the first day of the fair, and that is the dairy winner, Princess Kay of the Milky Way - a title and competition that has been going on here since the 1960s. 

After was got back from the fair, we were all a little sleepy and sunburned. Here is Russell after he just stole my watch, and ducked under my legs to hide! He's a pretty cute little guy!
He is getting lots of teeth now, and so doesn't sleep so well at night. Look at all those chompers! 

Due to the fact that he keeps himself and his daddy up at night, here is Russell and me sleeping around noon on the couch. I cherish these little tender moments.
Oh ya, and Russell got a "I love lamb" tattoo at the fair. 

This is Joanna being productive and making crafts while her hubby and son snooze on the couch!
Good thing Joanna is around or not much would get done around here except for eating, sleeping, and using the facilities.

Here is the little Russell sleeping on the couch after a long summer of playing.
I can't believe how big his is now, and how developed he is becoming right in front of our eyes!
Everyone who has kids tells us to cherish our little guy now because he'll soon be too big to snuggle.
So we do.    :-)
I hope you have enjoyed the nearly-last adventures of our summer. This summer has been fantastic and busy, but I would gladly re-live it again and again. Next week is meat-a-thon at Ben Scoresby's house (grilling and eating an obnoxious number of meats and vegetables and watching BYU football, and playing basketball). It will be the last HOORAH of the summer before I start back teaching again! Ciao!