Monday, April 23, 2012

Belly shot

Shannon requested a belly pic, and since I'm feeling reasonably energetic (and we took one yesterday), I guess I'll put one up.

Don't mind the chubbiness.  I'm just happy it isn't as bad as Jessica Simpson's chubbiness :)
I decided to practice my posing skills in this picture, but I don't think it turned out any better than a normal one.  Oh well.  Since I'm on here, I might as well put some more of the pictures from our camera on here.

We managed to be in Wausau over Shannon's birthday and were happy to get to celebrate with her and Macey, who I think secretly believes all birthdays are only for her enjoyment.

Thanks to Becky, I was inspired to make this wall hanging for when Russell finally has a bedroom.

Mom and Dad came over Conference weekend to see Andrew.  We enjoyed an afternoon walk between sessions.  I had to settle Russell down.  He was trying to go on his own walk in my belly.

Making cookies.  Lauren helped until there were cookies out of the oven and then was no longer interested in making cookies . . . .

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We're still here.

I promise, we really are.  We're just kind of in a waiting mode for things to happen.  I don't know if we'll be posting anything soon, but if we don't we'll definitely have big news (and lots of photos) in just over a month.