The idea this time was to go through your hoarded beads (and all jewelry crafters have them), pick out ONE special bead, and send it to your assigned partner. You were to pick the bead, write a nice note and package it up for shipment BEFORE you knew who your partner would be.
As luck would have it, my randomly selected partner Sally is someone that I already know. I was involved several years back in her blog challenge, Focusing on Life, where each participant would post a blog every week on a pre-determined theme.
I had to drop out of the challenge in the middle of the second year, due to health reasons and other life complications. It's been wonderful to re-connect with her through the Bead Soup Blog Party. We exchanged e-mails, agreeing to stick to the ONE bead rule (while it was obvious that many others were sending much more) and I popped hers in the mail.
Here is what I sent to Sally. This lovely goddess bead was made by my friend, Louise Ingram. I'd purchased a number of lampwork beads from her over the years to make into necklaces and sell at events. Now that I am no longer able to do that, quite of few of these lovelies have been languishing in my bead stash. Each one is different, and each one is beautiful.