Remember this?.....
..this is the little styrofoam torso that I altered for the
Wahooooooo :)
My lovely prizes arrived this week...
Lots of lovely rubber stamps
(which I've already had a play with :) )
...they have their 8th Anniversary 25 % off sale on at the moment,
so well worth a little peek ;)
..and do you remember these goodies that I sent to my pal Linda,
for our '5 item swap'
Well, I was blown away with what she created from them...
How gorgeous is this little altered canvas..
...and this is what I created for her
with the same 'ingredients'
I just love seeing how different our swaps are..and these are the fab items,
that she has sent for our next little swap...
Mmmm, don't think I've altered a CD before
so this should be interesting LOL !
Oh, you won't remember these!
On Monday it was my birthday
..and my youngest son Callum
made me some cakes :)
These were my faves!!
...the cake mixture was baked inside the ice cream cone
...then butter cream icing on the top
and finished with a little flake and some sprinkles to finish it all off
..and well worth the icing sugar and flour bomb-site that he left my kitchen in LOL !! ;) - I should of taken some pics of that !!
I had a fantastic birthday totally spoilt !! craft goodies, which I can't wait to get my hands on and play with !!
I also received some gorgeous handmade cards :)
Hubby took me on a 'West end' trip
for a meal
a little shopping
and to see 'Ghost' at the Piccadilly Theatre,
(I loved the film version with Patrick Swayzee)
Now it's not his cup of tea,
but after dropping TONS of hints !
He booked some tickets for my birthday treat :)
We totally enjoyed it,
...even hubby was amazed,
especially with the illusions !
Richard Fleeshman (Who used to be in Corrie) played Sam
and Caissie Levy was Molly
...but I think Sharon D Clarke stealed the show playing Oda Mae Brown (Whoopi Goldbergs part in the film)
full of ...
...gasping at the illusions and wondering how it was done ?
... and sniffing back the tears moments.
Highly recommended !!
Well thats all for today...
Thanks for Looking !
Jan x