Saturday, 23 October 2010

Art, Heart and healing Week 1 - Journal

Week 1

over at
Art, Heart and Healing
(Free course- see my sidebar) to create a self portrait journal page
healing exercise
drawing and shading your portrait
and background techniques
The first part of the exercise was to transform our inner critic messages
write them down those negative thoughts
focus on them
then gesso over them!!
The next step was to draw a self portrait
.....following Tam's fab step by step guide
learning new tips and techniques of drawing/painting faces
I was totally amazed with the results
here is my first attempt of a self portrait!!
Unfortunately I didn't have the water soluble crayons to complete the colouring in part of the exercise
....and being as one of my worst traits is being sooooo Impatient!!
I drew another portrait in an old journal
..and coloured it with an alternative medium
my trustworthy promarkers!!
....some rubber stamping
...and then I used some white acyrlic paint to distress it all.
and these are the results....

Wish my eyes were that blue!! LOL

....but I will still have another attempt at using the water soluble crayons on my original drawing when I get some.
Im really enjoying the course so far!
....and seeing everybody elses self portrait creations!
Can't wait to see what Tam has in store for us for next weeks lesson!
Thanks for Looking!
Jan x

Friday, 15 October 2010

Let's get Shabby Challenge #16

Challenge #16
over at a two part challenge
Choose from one of the two kitchen pics to be inspired by...
I was cooking in
Kitchen #2
You needed to have specific ingredients in your project....
One piece of fabric-Well I decided to make a fabric hanger-So definately some material included!!
Two die-cut shapes-Wings
Three colours from your chosen kitchen-Green, Pink & Yellow
You are allowed to use other items in your creations , just as long as you include the recipe requirements.

So here is my little Fabric hanger for the Shabby Challenge...

Lots of lovely fabric (piece of fabric -recipe requirement)
I've used some calico for the backing, then some shabby floral & gingham fabric and some pink sheer material backing the pic (which is also on printable cotton)


I was mainly inspired by the greens, pinks and yellow in this Kitchen,

I also got some inspiration from the florally fabrics in the pic

Die-cut wings (recipe requirement)

I painted these and added some Distress crackle paint to give a crackle look, which you cant really see very clearly in the pic.
...the pic is a retro advertising image printed on to some printable cotton (added some lace for a crown, and some buttons)

...a little voile bag filled with eggs!!

...a yellow gingham bow and patch of yellow gingham fabric
...and lots of lovely lace and buttons!!

Added a wooden tag, on top of a crochet heart -which I also painted and stamped 'Shabby Queen' with some Alpha (Hero Arts) Stamps

..Tied some lace and pink voile fabric to a vintage spoon and added a little pink flower,

and placed on top of some green ribbon.

Well, you have only a few days left if you want to join in with this fabby shabby challenge..

So go and check out the Let's get shabby Blog

Thanks for Looking!

Jan x

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Santa Claus is coming to Blogland.....

Over at
Linda has another generous Giveaway...
'Santa Clause Blog-Along Giveaway'
for the Countdown to Christmas participants.
To enter the Giveaway
Santa Claus has to visit your Blog!
Well, I've been a good girl!!
(Well for most of the year, anyway LOL!!)
So here he is....
I love vintage pics,
and this is one of my fave vintage pics of Santa
..Oh, and I love Mrs Claus' Shabby lil dresser too!!
Santa has had his lunch,
...and is now off visiting someone else in Blogland
...before the Big Rush!!!!
.....and ,
I also love modern Santa pics
So over to
My modern Santa in training....

Mmmm, think my little man needs to grow into his hat first!!

...and perhaps grow some whiskers!!

So have you been Naughty or Nice!!
Will Santa visit you!!
Thanks for Looking
Jan x

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Petite Inspiration Box Swap - Black & White Edition...Part 2 promised
these are the altered matchboxes
that I received from the

Petite Inspiration Box Swap

Black and White Edition

This stunning one is from Kathy of Country Chintz
...covered in gorgeous embellishments!!

Below are all the wonderful goodies that Kathy crammed inside her box

So many wonderful goodies!!

I love my little witchy pendant!!

...and witchy rosette, and altered bottle cap,

leaves, ribbons, flowers, tickets, spooky embellies, buttons!

...and a fab skellie!!

...and so much more!

...Kathy also spoilt me and sent some extras that didn't fit inside the box!!

Thank you so much Again Kathy!!


..and this beautiful sparkley one is from Andra of A Red Polka Dot Day

I love how Andra has decorated outside and inside the box!!

..and look at all the wonderful goodies Andra included

I love everything, especially all the lace, ribbons, tickets, charms, name in glittery letters (nice touch!), cards

...but my faves are definately the gorgeous buttons and printing stamp.

Thanks again Andra!
...and Thanks to Heather at Speckled Hen

for organizing such a fabby swap

Thanks for Looking!
Jan x

Monday, 4 October 2010

Petite Inspiration Box Swap - Black & White Edition

Heather over at the Speckled Egg
hosted a
Black and White Petite Inspiration Swap.
These are the two boxes that I altered for my swap partners...

This is the box I altered for Kathy

...and all the contents I crammed inside the box for Kathy

Here's the box I altered for Andra

...and contents

Just waiting on one of my swaps to come,

then I will post about the fabby swaps I received.

This was a FUN swap!!

Thanks for Looking!

Jan x

Sunday, 3 October 2010

I must be MAD!! - more matchboxes.....

Yes, I think I have finally lost the plot now LOL!!
More matchbox madness!!
Penny over at The Linen Shelf is hosting a
'The twelve days of Christmas Matchbox Swap'
..and as twisted my arm into joining in!!
(although it didn't take much twisting ROFL!!)
.....but I will be blaming her if my local shop accuse me of being a pyromaniac, cos I'm off there in a mo, to buy another batch of matchboxes!! (LOL!)
Anyway, All you have to do is alter 12 of the smaller matchboxes
In the theme of one of the '12 days of Christmas!'
Hurry up and join the fun!!
I think there are only a few days left now to choose from!
In return you will get a lovely assortment of 12 matchboxes in return,
from different Artists
making a fab little 12 day advent for December.
So go check it out over at Penny's Blog!
Jan x

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Art, heart & Healing......FREE Art Course

...a Free Art and Healing course!!

(Thanks for the link Jo!!)

This looks soooo interesting...

It is being run by a generous Artist called Tam

(Thank you so much Tam!!)


Tam will be sharing her wonderful art techniques

over a 4 week course

starting on the 18th october


Basically, it is a course aimed at self healing through Art.

(Something that I am so intrigued by)

It looks like Fun!

Hope to see you there :)

-oOo- see more details and what the course is all about...

Click here for Tam's youtube video

Thanks for looking

Jan x