OMG, have I really been AWOL for nearly 4 weeks!!`
......Been having MAJOR computer issues here!!

On the upside....
My house has never been so spick and span LOL!!
I've still been crafting (especially altering loads of matchboxes ;) )
....but I've fallen behind with Art Heart and Healing course, and some of my favourite challenges due to my lack of computer access :(
Got loads to show and tell, so will most probably try and post over the next few days!
So, I'll apologise now if I haven't popped by and left you a comment recently, I've tried to visit when I can, but I'm sure I have missed sooooooo much in Blogland during the last month!!
...and WOW, since I've been MIA... I've gathered 100 Followers!!
OMG how did that happen?!!
When I started this blog nearly a year and half ago, I just wanted to connect with some other creative peeps from all over the world, and join in some 'crafty' challenges to get my creative juices flowing!
No way did I think, I'd get even 10 people popping by to see what I have done, let alone 100!
So a big Hello to my new and old followers
....and Thank-you for following me :)
... I have been so fortunate to meet some truly inspiring people in Blogland!
In my abscence the lovely Sherry
from Sherry's Simple Blog
has passed on this fabby award to me 
Thanks again Sherry :)
First of all I have to list 3 things that make me different from everyone else!!
although I'm sure that they are not unique to me!!
Mmmm.. had to think about this one!
1. I'm good at reading body language
2. I can hypnotise myself!!
3. I make up my own lyrics when I sing along to songs!!
I now have to nominate five other blogs with attitude..
Well, all the blogs I follow and read have Attitude!!
..but these are 5 that pop into mind....
1. Jo (fiddlesnips)
2. Penny(The linen shelf)
3. Tracy Evans
4. Linda ( A swap for all seasons)
5.Kristin (Twinkle Twinkle)
Last, but not least I have to display the Digi's with attitude Challenge Blog, Blog award badge in my sidebar!
Now, I'm going to make myself a very LARGE coffee...a couple of biccies... and go and do some blog surfing to see what you have all been up to... Could be gone for a while ;)
Thanks for Looking!
Jan x