Good Things Come In Small Packages
Hello sweet friends... Hope you have had a great weekend - and are looking forward to the week ahead! I just got a notice on my phone that middle Tennessee is likely to experience frost tonight! Woo Hoo - I think that may mean that FALL is actually on its way here! YEAH! I was able to re-tape the video tutorial on the mini canvases - it was a little frustrating having to tape it with the camera off to the side - so I am really hoping to get back to using my computer and the overhead camera again soon! I apologize for the number of times I was demonstrating something out of frame or the goofiness of telling you to "look at something" that you clearly COULDN'T see because my left hand wasand was in the way! LOL. Oh well - I learned a lot by doing this one and hopefully will do better on the next one. This afternoon, I got to start on the project I told you about in the video...the mini album that we want to send to the family of the kidney donor Royce received ...