
Showing posts with the label ESV Bible

Illuminated Journaling: It's Friday...But Sunday's Coming

When I think what happened to my sweet Savior on that first Good Friday, I almost stop breathing. It was beyond horrific! As excruciating as the physical pain was that came as a result of His scourging, dragging His cross through the streets of Jerusalem lined with jeering crowds, being nailed to the cross and raised up so that his weight pulled at the spikes that held His body on the cross -- all of that paled in comparison to the pain He felt when He chose to take on the sins of the world...MY SIN - and in doing so caused Himself to be separated from God! Our perfect Messiah took our sin. He took our separation. He took our inevitable and deserved death. He took on Satan...and on Friday there was nothing that could be called "good." But our Salvation story doesn't end on Friday. That dark day eventually came to the end. That night found His disciples huddled together in fear. His followers were beyond grieved...and probably couldn't even bring themselves ...

Illuminated Journaling: Time to Stop Worrying & New Workshop

"Who can add a single hour to his life by being anxious?" Matt 6:27 Well it's not for a lack of trying on my part! For the past few years, it feels like I haven't had a single day where my "to do" list needs fewer than 25 hours to be accomplished. I bet you have days like that too...there is just too much "do" and not enough day! And on top of that - I start worrying about HOW I'm going to get it done and WHAT the consequences are going to be when I don't. After all, that's what RESPONSIBLE people do right? We focus on getting the "tasks" done. Ahh - but God says His wisdom confounds the wise. When you don't have time to get everything done, God says "stop and come tarry with me for an hour." When everyone is looking to you to solve their problem, God says, "Let me show you what to do." When you look at your list and say "there's no way!" God says, "I am within her, she...

Illuminated Journaling: Toe Tapping Praise

When I began thinking about how I wanted to document Isaiah 66:1 where God declares, "Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool" I totally saw this pair of chucks in my mind...and even though I kept trying to find another option...there just was I thought I would take that image and the inspiration from the style of another Bible Journaler, Lisa Rutherford-Montgomery and go with it! I was teaching at a worship conference several years ago and one of the other teachers was talking about worshiping in the midst of our difficult times. He said, "Praise in the hard times is one of the purest ways we can tell God we trust Him." "Praise in the hard times reminds our hearts that our future is in God's hands, not ours." and "Praise in the hard times, makes God's heart glad!" Great teaching, right!?!?! And then he told a story...and I have remembered the image that he created with that story ever since. He said, ...