
Showing posts with the label Cracked Porcelain Technique

One Little Word for 2013: JOY

Mixed Media Canvas in Progress I have been a big fan of Ali Edwards for years. She constantly is a source of inspiration - and always reminds me (and all of her blog followers) that it is really important to document our every day life. The story matters. Words matter. Several years ago she introduced an idea - One Little Word - as she was contemplating a new year.  She challenged all of us to figure out what ONE word would be our focus for the next year. If you would like to read Ali's blog about ONE LITTLE WORD 2013, click here I have loved doing this for several years.  Some years it is really clear what my word is supposed to is jumping up and down waving its arms to get my attention. And some years, like this one - it is more of a whisper...a whisper that I might have missed if I didn't pay attention. As I've been thinking about it for a few weeks - I think my word for 2013 is JOY! Not exactly certain what all of that will mean for me - but it feels ...