You Have My Heart

I have had this picture of my niece and nephew for awhile -- but haven't been totally sure how I wanted to scrap it has been sitting on my table for me to look at until I knew.

When I finished this background (as part of my techniques class) -- I just knew that this picture would finally find its home! The background was created with Adirondack Color Wash and Sea Salt....I KNOW -- I never would have dreamed that one up -- but Julie (our teacher is FANTABULOUSLY creative! You can still take this class from her -- and I would highly recommend it. You can learn more about her art -- and her class HERE.

I wanted you to see a bit closer detail of the "rose" I created for this page. Are you ready for another shocker?!?! That is made from a baby wipe! I bet you are thinking "Is there NOTHING she won't keep and try to use?!?!?" *laughing* The answer is "probably not!" The baby wipe got saturated with color wash during my "technique session" because I got it ALL over my hands. Once the wipe dried (I was scared to set it anywhere other than my craft mat for fear of spreading the "color joy), I thought it was really I cut it into strips -- thinking I might use it as ribbon. The flower was made by twisting and turning the strip and sticking it down to a piece of paper that had LOTS of sticky adhesive on it -- starting at the center and working out -- tucking the edge under as I went. When I was done -- I trimmed the paper away and glued a button in the center. I would definitely make a flower like this again -- it is really simple and could be made from ribbon or seam binding.

Hope you are having a great week...


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Love, love, love it Jann! You are so very creative! I miss you! Wish I could see you more regularly than once a month! Blessings!


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