What a "Pain In The Neck"

Well...it's true...I officially have a pain in the neck! Several of them actually -- and they have nothing to do with people, places or things!
I had been feeling a lot of pain in my neck, shoulder and arm -- but just thought it was stress...but last Friday it was confirmed that I have 7 bulging discs and one herniated disc that is pressing on my spinal column and leaking fluid into it. The neurologist scared me to death -- mentioning words like "quadraplegic and paralyzed," but fortunately he sent me directly to a neuro-surgeon and he was much more optimistic -- and at least wants to try some non-surgical treatment prior to resorting to surgery. Always love it when a surgeon isn't scalpel happy!
I have been going to physical therapy and using a cervical traction device at home...and I really have come to love that little machine. I feel so blessed to live in a day and age that we have so much more medical knowledge than previous generations have been privy to. I believe that God is healing me and I am being very compliant so as to get the most benefit from this treatment. It is painful...but I am blessed with a high pain tolerance level -- which is helpful for me to continue with this treatment plan. The neuro-surgeon says that it is really a 50-50 chance that this will decompress my spine enough for this herniated disc to slip back into place -- but then someone has to be in the 50% that it works on -- so I am believing that it will be me! *smile* Would you believe that with me? This whole working on starting my own business would be extremely difficult if I were out of work for the amount of time I would need to be to recover from the surgery. Obviously, this is not something that has caught God by surprise -- so I am utterly convinced He has a plan -- but in my limited view of the world, it would certainly seem better to me to be able to do this therapy and recover rather than go through the surgery.
I was able to make one trip to Palm Springs after my diagnosis...and that went well. Was able to take my little neck stretcher device with me -- which caused great happiness...am happy to be home and back in full time therapy...but basically none the worse for wear.
Just wanted to keep you updated...and ask for your prayers. Am hating that scrapbooking is a bit more difficult these days because of the neck brace I am wearing -- but am convinced that I will find a way to do some of it - cause it keeps my sanity. What is up with youw guys....miss you tons!


  1. There you are! I was wondering if you left on Sunday as planned. I left you a message. I am glad therapy seems to be working..sounds like you have a good doctor.
    *{HUGS} & {PRAYERS}*

  2. You are in my prayers!

  3. Ouchie! So sorry for your discomfort, but loved reading about how it didn't take God by surprise. Wow! What an amazing viewpoint-one I am ashamed to say, I have never seen before. Thank you! Ok, God, if that was your lesson in this-consider it learned and heal Jann now, k? Thanks!

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Oh my! I am so sorry for all of this! I will be praying for you, that things will heal without surgery! Has this put the wedding arrangements on the back burner? Hope not! For you guys! Blessings!

  5. Jann - What I am wondering is how in the world did this happen? 7? That amazes me.

    Annie told me a little about what you are going through but I'm glad you blogged so I could understand it better.

    I couldn't help but think of Barney Fife in the closet trying to stretch himself when you described your neck brace. LOL I know it must be driving you batty.

    I will be coming your way at some point this week, I'll give you a call to see if you need anything. If you do before then, please know that I am here for you.

    One last thought...a friend of ours lost a child recently and Mike saw the Dad the other day. They had a long talk about how he's doing. He said that he has questioned God and even yelled at him, outside shaking his fists, asking why. Then God said to him, "the only way you could understand this is if you were me and you would never want to be me." That is so true. We don't understand things sometimes but we just have to trust God. I know that you are. I will be praying for you.

    Love you!

  6. I think about you often and pray everytime I think of you!

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    You have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo been in my thoughts and prayers:)


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