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Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Tossing Hearts. . .

Hello my friends,
Valentines is only six days away.
So for me, that meant time to put away the winter décor and start
tossing hearts.

Winter Sparkle. . .

Hello my friends,
and happy winter!!
I love the magic and beautiful lights of Christmas, but it always feels good to get things cleaned up and be a bit back to normal.

Warm Winter Whites. . .

Hello my friends,
I can't believe that it has taken me so long after Christmas to get back to my blog!
I have missed blogging and visiting you!!!
So, I am very happy to be back!

Here in Utah we are getting the winter that we have needed for a long time.  Last year we had no snow to speak of, so I am not complaining!
How can you complain when it looks so pretty?
Snow really is quite magical!!


A bit of winter. . .inside & Out

Hello my friends, while some areas have been hit with heavy snow, here in Utah we have had none to speak of.
Our mountains and ski resorts have been suffering.  Its even been too warm to make snow. 
It seems weird to see people in shorts and flip flops with our temps in the upper 50's.
But finally, snow has come!  I had almost forgotten how
pretty it is.  :)

Our Tree Cutting Adventure. . .

Hello my friends,
many of you know what a 'theme' gal I am.  Yup, give me a theme and I'll do my best to run with it.
A couple of weeks ago I was laying in bed.  Trying to fall asleep, but visions just kept popping into my head.  (wink)
I was contemplating on how I wanted to decorate our front porch for Christmas this year.  That's when it came to me, "decorate it like a tree farm"  :) I pictured a porch full of pines with tree stumps and boughs overflowing everywhere.
Oh, and why not add a cocoa bar while I'm at it.  A fun place to sip a cup while hanging out in my tree farm.
Now, back to the trees.  Being the cheap, I mean frugal gal that I am I was not about to pay big bucks for trees to go on my porch.  My daughter in law came to the rescue.  Seems that if you have a deer license and you don't get a deer you can cut a free tree. (who knew?)  Well, with quite a few hunters in our family she rounded me up 4 permits.
Our youngest daughter had the day off, so us three amigos loaded up in hubby's truck and headed to the designated
 'Christmas Tree Cutting' spot.
I had shed the coat by now and as you can see I am mad about plaid!  lol!
I gave the thumbs up on this one and,
hubby cut it down.

He suggested only taking the top half of this one.  Brilliant, because we know how these trees look small out in the wild.  Get them home and they are monsters!

Cute Kylee dragging both the tree and the chain saw down the hill.  What a woman!!
The sun shining through the clouds caught my eye.  I have no idea what that tiny blue speck is on the bottom right.
I look like an idiot in this photo, but just something about holding a power tool. (hee-hee) Yup, I cut this one all by myself.
Four trees down the hill and tagged for the journey home.
All loaded up.

Saying good-bye to our beautiful Utah mountains

Kylee had a bit of fun playing with my phone.  Showing off the new boots her boyfriend gave her.

One never knows what they might run across when traveling the backroads.
Anyone in need of a new pair of shoes?  Well, maybe not so new!  lol!

Trees arrived home safely and have been placed in
 buckets of water.
Can't wait to see if my "Christmas tree farm" is everything I imagine it to be!
Have you had any visions of sugar plums or such running rampant in your head lately?

SNOW Place Like Home...

Saturday morning we headed up A.F. Canyon with some friends to do a little snow shoeing. It was a bit smoggy down here in the valley, but as soon as we entered into our gorgeous mountains it was clear and beautiful. It's true, Utah does have the greatest snow on earth!

Gearing up

Friends Kyle and Shelley helping to keep us young. Not only
by getting us out to exercise, but by making us laugh until our
sides ache. Laughter is better than any medicine the Doc can
give us!

Greg and I taking a slide down hill. Climbing to the top
was fun too!

'Klondike Kyle' went to pose on a snow coverd log and this
is where he ended up.

We gave everybody a name. They all came easy except for
mine. So I decided I would be 'Jumping Jann'. Oops, where's
my other pole?

'Sherpa Shultz' taking a plunge into
the icy cold water.

Snow covered roof tops.

Kyle and Shelley on top of the world!

Time for a breather.

Sure glad that we weren't allowed to go any faster. Don't
think I could have kept up.

'Sliding Shelley' - GO girl, GO!

Fly South

Sometimes don’t you feel like flying South for the Winter? I definitely think that those birds have a good thing going!



I think I’m going to need a ‘get-away’ soon. It does wonders for the soul!

SNOW Place Like Home

As of late, the weather outside is frightful! With the holiday season drawing to a close sometimes we find ourselves settling in and feeling a bit blue.

As I begin to put away the decorations I always leave some of my Snow fellows out to help warm my heart and home.


This tall fella decided to take a ride in my rustic sled.


This snowman quilt is one of the first ones I made. It was a block exchange our Kennel Girls did. I still love it! Saw this rustic door at R. C. Willey’s when we went to help our friends pick up a chair. My hubby bought it for me. He’s a keeper!


It won’t be long until the mantle will be sporting Valentines décor. Until then let the SNOW begin!


Jars of white and silver in my blue cupboard



More jars – couldn’t stand to leave some empty!


Turquoise bottles are happy to hold a couple of flakes.


Frosty table décor.


My friend, Shelley gave me this cute pedestal bowl for Christmas. It’s holding a few wintery treasures.


It’s hard to see, but the snowman stitchery says “HOPE”. This reminds me daily that winter will not last forever! Myself, I am much more a Spring and Summer kind of girl! Can’t wait until that daily ritual of walking the garden and seeing what plants have dared to stick their heads out first begins. I just have to remind myself, “that daffodils are a comin!” Till then, I’ll hunker down and stay warm and cozy in my abode. Because there is “SNOW” place like home!
