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I’m Dreaming of Vintage White!

Thursday Miss Jenny will be having us study the letter D. My two words are Dreaming and Decorating.  I  have been decorating so much these last few days that not only do I decorate when I am awake, I find myself doing it in my dreams.

Anyone else do that?

For the past two years we have had a 7 1/2 ft. tree in our family room.  Our ceilings are so tall that even though I sat it on top of an antique washtub it just was too small.

Hubby and I bit the bullet and decided to buy a new 9 ft. tree.

It’s a bit hard to tell but it has snow, ice crystals, pinecones, and red berries.  PERFECT for my mercury glass bird themed tree.  I love it!


It is mainly white with a touch of red and turquoise.

I bought the slim tree because my family room isn’t  huge.  This pic is with the lights on.


No presents yet, that will change in a hurry.

I pulled a few bird items that I had and stuck in amongst the branches.


I had the nests, but the blue birds are new.



Some of my mercury glass ornaments.

2011-11-29 Family Room Tree 2011

Here are a few other vintage type ornaments.

2011-11-29 Family Room Tree 20111

I have a few of these bell clusters poked in here and there.  I love how they hang.


Add some dried limelight hydrangeas,


A couple of birdcages,


A few red cardinals,


A sweet note about a birds nest,


A message for the world to see,


This sign was the only thing my hubby didn’t like about the tree. It is a bit large, but I wired it in, so for this year at least; it’s staying.

And last of all, a star on top.


I love how you see the bare branches of the tree through the window.

Even though my tree isn’t truly vintage, it gives me the feel of an old fashioned Christmas. How I cherish my childhood memories.

I hope you’ll take time today to reflect upon Christmas Past.

Happy Holidays!


I am linking this post with:

Honey Were Home for Christmas Tree Link Party

Honey at 2805 for Christmas Trees


Faded Charm for White Wednesday

Ivy and Elephants for What's it Wednesday

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday

Jenny Matlock for Alpha Thursday and the letter D

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday

Open for Business. . .

YThe Candy Cane Kitchen and Bakery will soon be open for business.


The tablecloth (quilt) has been spread and the candy canes are out.


This establishment has a four star rating.  Sorry, but I just can’t quite do five.

What’s a girl to do when she only has four side chairs? Actually, I have a couple extra I can pull out if needs be for more company.



Vintage bells hang for a time,

hoping, hoping that they’ll soon  get to chime.




Come on in, I’d love to whip something up for you!


You know that a sweet treat just can’t be beat!


Quite a few of these have been around for some time.  I can assure you that they only get better with age sublime.


How about a spot of tea?


One teapot won’t do?  How about two?


The candy jars are filled to the brim.  Just waiting for someone sweet like you to come in!




What? nothing sweet you say.  Well it just happens to be your lucky day.

We have plenty of, you know things that are green.  I’m sure that they will help keep you lean.


The aprons are hung,

anxious and ready to serve someone!





My rag stocking quilt will keep you warm.


And enjoying a bit of Winter will do you no harm.


If you drop in, we’ll grab a plate.


So mark your calendar for an important date.



Dec. 1st will be the day.  I hope you’ll drop by for a bit of a stay!


Till then, I’ll keep the candle burning.  Well, probably not; I’d hate to start a fire. lol!


Sure hope you’re feeling a bit of a yearning!

Merry Christmas season!


I will be linking my Candy Cane Kitchen with these wonderful blogs:

At the Picket Fence for Christmas in the Kitchen


Pargas Junkyard for 25 Days of Christmas


Marty at A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday

Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Sue Loves Cherries for Rednesday

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday

The Lettered Cottage and Tablescapes for Christmas


Winter Wonderland. . .

There is no snow upon the ground outside, but inside it’s beginning to look  a little like a Winter Wonderland’.

Friday morning I started the yearly ritual of decking the halls for Christmas.

I still have a lot more to do, but thought I would share a bit.  Couldn’t decide what to share first. Guess I’ll start with the master bedroom.

I made this quilt, appropriately titled, Winter Wonderland’ four or five years ago.


The middle blocks are red work stitchery.  I had so much fun making it.  I just pulled from all my red, white, and cream scraps.

2011-11-27 Snowman bedroom

The outside blocks are pieced.  I wanted to make it fit our king bed so I added a couple of extra borders.  A small ticking one and a larger red cream floral.  I added red rick rack and scalloped the floral border.  Really, I was amazed (surprised) lol! that I made it  fit our bed so well.




A collection of some of my snowmen decorate the fireplace;


Last year the stockings were the only thing hanging on the fireplace.  This year I had to work around a T.V.  Not quite as cute, but gotta let those men have their T.V’s.



Another new addition to the room is our red cabinet.  I sure had fun decorating it for the first time.


I just made the garland with burlap left over from my son’s wedding.


Thought of hanging ornaments down, but opted to keep it plain and simple.



Inside is a collection of small snowmen and a few quilts.






This little table I painted red was a D.I. find for $10.  I bought the red hob nail lamp at a yard sale for $15.  Looking for a chimney that will fit. The cute frame I bought at the ‘Harvest Moon’ boutique.  Needs a snowman pic.



I bought this sparkly tree after Christmas last year at Smith and Edwards.  WAY over priced at $70.00, but for $35, I’ll take it!

It already had the silver balls so I just added a few snowflakes

2011-11-27 Snowman bedroom1

My friend, Peggy gave me this darling birdcage picture holder.  I changed pics to Christmas and winter ones.




Last year I had a bit of an advent fetish.  I had seen this large linen one in Pottery Barn years ago and saved the pic.  I never had anywhere to hang it at my Highland home.   Decided that it would fit perfectly on a wall in my bedroom.


Here’s a few close ups.  I gathered the bark while on vacation in Wisconsin‘


My P.B. copycat cost me A LOT less.  I bought the canvas for $30 (using a coupon) at Hobby Lobby.  My SIL gave me the linen.  She made one also, so I gave her a few ornaments in return.

A lot of the ornaments I already had.  #’s 10, 13, and 15 were my mother’s.


My friend, Diana made this cute gal for me years ago.


This one was a Christmas gift from my SIL, Laurie.


I love my ‘frosty’ fella’s.  If you’d like to read a bit more about my obsession, visit this post from last year:  http://jannolson.blogspot.com/2010/12/men-in-my-life_7362.html

I love the looks of fresh fallen snow.  I t just wouldn’t be Christmas in Utah without it.  Although, I wish it wouldn’t hang around quite so long afterwards!

Here’s wishing you a ‘White Christmas”!


I will be linking this post with:

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

Little Red House for Mosiac Monday

The House in the Roses for Show off your Cottage Monday

c.r.a.f.t. for Making Monday Marvelous

Bunny for Bunny Hop Wednesday

Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday

One of my favorite blogs is giving away a darling Christmas book.  Go check it out:


christmas giveaway 2011 button
