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This Old House. . .

As 2011 draws to an end, I can’t help but reflect upon the many projects hubby and I have undertaken this year.  I may be the driving (crazy)force, but hubby has done most of the work,  However, I am a great ‘cheerleader’.  Go Baby, Go Baby, Go! (Picture me jumping, shaking pom-poms, and ending in splits.) I know, scary picture!

I couldn’t let the year end without one last project.

I have been wanting some architectural pieces to hang on a 20 ft. wall in our family room for quite some time.

When we first moved in I hung this large PEACE sign that I had bought on clearance from Pottery Barn.  When it arrived it was just a rolled up canvas.  I had it framed and my original thought was to hang it just at Christmas time.


After Christmas two years ago I decided to leave it hanging.  I think we could use a little ‘PEACE’ all year long, don’t you?

A few months ago I found a couple of old windows at the ‘Star Mill’.

I debated about painting them a color to stand out on the wall, but decided that I liked the chippy old paint.  I had paint mixed to match, painted the edges, then glazed them with brown glaze.

The small window was missing all of the glass so I left it empty added a hinge and wire for hanging bits of décor.


The large window was missing 4 panes.  We broke one more out and added colored glass.  My friend, Joyce had done this to a large long window she had and I have always loved it.


I wanted the glass to look kind of unplanned. If that makes any sense, so I randomly picked color placement.

I’m sure that the windows came from the same old house.  Would love to have seen it in it’s grandeur. There was probably a second small one on the other side.  Some people have said, “too bad the ‘Star Mill’ didn’t have both small windows”.  Actually, I think it would be too matchy matchy.  I’m keeping my eyes out for something fun to hang on the right side.

I bought two chippy half pillars thinking they might work.  We held them up yesterday but didn’t like the result.  Oh don’t worry, they won’t go to waste.


Here’s a picture showing more of the room.  There’s another T.V. again messing things up. lol!


I wasn’t doing too much jumping and cheering when hubby and friend, Kyle were hanging the large window.  I kind of wanted to cover my eyes till it was all over.  Hubby isn’t getting any younger you know.  Luckily, no catastrophes.

I love my new ‘old’ windows and want to say thanks to the ‘Old House’ that let me bring them from their home to mine! Maybe they didn’t have a choice, but thanks just the same.

Looking forward to finding more treasures in 2012!

Until then,

Wishing you any way you say it,


And a ‘Happy New Year”!


I will be linking with:

Bunny for Bunny Hop Wednesday

Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday

Jenny Matlock for The New Year

Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday

Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday


Worth Every Penny!

What $10 will get you at T.J. Maxx.  A large Amaryllis bulb, a cute white pot, and a small bag of soil.

The results:  PRICELESS!


This plant has performed it’s little heart out this holiday season.  I have already dead headed three blooms.  It now has four and a new bud coming out of the center.

My paperwhites had gotten so tall and lanky that this morning I cut them off and put them in my vintage turquoise speckled pitcher.  A $7 yard sale bargain.




The holiday season will soon be coming to an end.  Hopefully my pretty flowers will last until the New Year.  I think that they were worth every penny!

Happy New Year!


I will be sharing this post with:

Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Ivy and Elephants for Knick of Time Tuesday

Work of the Poet for Ruby Tuesday

A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday

It's A Very Cherry World for Rednesday

Baking Beauties. . .

Tradition at our home includes a day of baking for the girls.

In my opinion, they are all ‘beauties’.  Guess they take after their dad mom. (hee-hee)!

My youngest daughter, Kylee arrived Tues night.  Just in time for our ‘day of candy making’.  She actually came home a day early so she wouldn’t miss out on the fun.

She is making mints.  Doesn’t she look like she’s having a good time stirring that chocolate?


Nichole, my Christmas baby is making cheese balls.  She will make 6, one for each family.


I must confess, this pic of my daughter, Karrah is from last year. I thought I had gotten one, but nada.  She’s happily posing by two of our drop cluster sweets.


My new dil, Samantha and granddaughter, Jordyn showing off the white chocolate popcorn Sam just finished.


You know how the new kid in town always gets picked on?  Poor Sam was the brunt of everyone’s joke.  Anything that went wrong, it was Sam’s fault.  Nichole knows that I don’t like the cluster goodies to be too huge.  She jokingly said, “Mom, Sam made the Chow Mein Noodle ‘clusters too big.

Then Karrah blamed her for the ‘Peanut Butter’ cups not being perfect.  Sam was a good sport and smiled through all of it.

Taylor, my 12 (almost 13) yr. old granddaughter is glad to crush the graham crackers for us.


Have you ever seen such a messy kitchen?  I pull out all the ingredients, sit the recipe on top and let them have at it.

These two little cuties aren’t much help, but they never lack for entertainment.


I still chop nuts the old fashioned way.  We did plenty of that to cover 6 cheese balls and to top our toffee.  Lucky for me, Jordy was willing to take a turn,


By the end, we have made so many sweets that it would make your head spin.  After we each grab a few tins and fill it for each family to take home it’s not nearly as much as it looks.



This toffee is (in my opinion) to die for!  I was given the recipe from a lady in my old neighborhood about 5 years ago.  I thought I would share it with you.

2 Cups Sweet Butter (cold from freezer)      2 Scant Tbs. Water

1 1/3 C. Sugar                                           10 oz. M. Choc Chips

Cut whole almonds into thirds.  Place on cookie sheet and bake in 350 degree oven for 5 min.  Stir, cook three more min.  (Mine are done in 5 min. in my oven)  Spread coarse nuts on bottom of an 8 x 11 buttered glass pan.  In heavy sauce pan combine butter, sugar, and water.  Cook over med. high heat, stirring constantly. Watch for change of color and some smoking.  Continue stirring.   Mixture should start to streak and then turn brown. (about the color of a brown paper bag.) Cooking time will be about 12 min. from start to finish. Takes a bit longer on electric stove (255) degrees.  I do not use a candy thermometer.  Pretty easy to tell when ready.  Remove from heat.  Immediately pour over nuts. Don’t scrape bottom. Sprinkle choc. chips over hot candy.  Let sit a few minutes then spread.  Sprinkle finely chopped almonds on top.  Let cool completely, 4 or 5 hours.  Loosen edges with a knife and candy will easily lift out of pan.  Break into bite size pieces. *Do NOT use Cache Valley Butter – it separates every time.

This toffee is extra thick and so yummy!  Everyone that tastes it loves it.


A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!


A Cherry on top!

Last week I stopped by my oldest daughter, Nichole’s home. As I entered into her kitchen I saw something that made my heart skip a beat.

Every Christmas she decorates the top of her cupboards with a gingerbread theme and It’s always just darling.

This year I saw something new.

A cute, cute giant gingerbread cupcake with a cherry on top.


I squealed like a little girly, “Where did you get that?”

She said, “Hobby Lobby, I would’ve bought you one Mom, but I figured you had so much décor that you wouldn’t want it.”

When did that ever stop me? lol!

I have such a ‘sweet tooth’.  I can’t resist anything candy themed.

From there I jumped in the car and off to Hobby Lobby it was.  Lucky me, got the last one.  It was half off, so It only cost $10.

Just look at that cherry!


Now quickly I will show you two more gingerbread treasures I got last week also.

This darling house, made from batting was only $14 at Train Wreck (NPS).  I’ve mentioned NPS before.  It’s one of those stores you never know what you’ll find.  They only had two and my friend, Dolly bought the other one.


It’s as light as a feather.  Isn’t it sweet?


Now if these two weren’t enough excitement in one week.  I also received my give away win in the mail.  Shannon from Cozy Home Scenes gave away 12 gingerbread items to anyone who linked up with her gingerbread party.  Hop over and visit her.  The link is still on her sidebar if you’d like to see more Gingerbread fun. I love my gift and I want to thank her.  It fits right in with my Candy/gingerbread themed living room.

I won this little guy that I quickly hung on the wall under my candy chandy.


Sure hope that you are all ready and that your Christmas will be the “SWEETEST” ever!


I will be linking my sweets with these sweet blogs:

Sue at It's a Very Cherry World for Rednesday Christmas

Mary at Very Merry Vintage Style for Share the Love Wednesday

Santa has Toys for Good Girls and Boys. . .


Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, lean you ear this way,

Maybe between the two of us we can understand the kids today.

No one wants a pair of skates,



No one wants a dolly,


Unless it’s electronical, kids just think it’s folly!

How about twirly tops or a fire truck?


If it has no on/off switch, boredom runs a muck.

D.S., IPod, IPad, and WII now will only do,

No view master, building blocks or metal cars will entertain any child over two.

2011-12-18 Nativities and toys

Educational toys are still a hit,

But the new generation is way too smart to fall for this bit.


These tin cars look cool, but they make no sound,

Guess I’ll play a computer battle game, number 1 and 2 rounds.


No need for records, what are they?

Kids can just download any song they want to play.


Times have changed that’s for sure.

One thing I’ve found kids still adore, and I have no


Parker Brothers have a


Wonder how they knew?

Those brothers were smart and took a


That a simple board game would outlast any computer disc.

Now kids remember, Santa has a list and is checking it twice,

So whether the toys you want are old or new; just remember to be NICE!

2011-12-18 Nativities and toys1

2011-12-18 Nativities and toys2

I hope you enjoyed my journey in toyland of yesterday.

My poem/song was a bit corny, but I hope it brightened you along the way.

So until next time,

Game on!

On the wall that is.


When we moved into our new home, the basement was unfinished.  I knew that I needed a place for the grandies to play.

Our bonus room is our ‘kids space’.  And yes, we do have a WII game up there.

Kids today are so smart don’t you think?  However, every now and then I find those little genius’s playing with my ‘old toys’.

Sure hoping you are being nice.

Merry Christmas,


I will be sharing my vintage toyland with:

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

Little Red House for Mosiac Monday

Smiling Sally for Blue Monday

Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Knick of Time Tuesday

A House of Grace for Twice Owned Tuesday


Home for Christmas!

I am counting the days!

My youngest daughter, Kylee and her hubby, Dustin moved to Arizona a couple of months ago.

I have been a bit spoiled because all five of my married children live so close.

I miss their cute faces!


And their passion for life!


They are coming home for Christmas.

This week we received a Christmas card from them.  It expresses how I will feel when I see them pull into the drive.


Sure hope that you are able to spend Christmas with your loved ones.


Santa Baby. . .

Last night a group of fun gals called the “Le Potpourri” club joined together for their annual Christmas party.

The month before the committee gave us all a darling Santa hat with this tag attached.


To decorate mine I used three things that I love, old sheet music, birds, and polka dots. Here’s what I came up with.


As each person arrived their hat was such a delight.  It was so fun to see how creative they were.

Diana’s was ever so ‘SWEET’!


Ann’s sported a darling coffee filter flower.  Peggy’s hat could be switched from Naughty to Nice.  She told us that was how she signaled her hubby as to what mood she was in. lol!


Susan had a fabulous ‘tree’ thing going on.


Juanita’s was a tribute to Raggedy Ann & Andy and America.  She said that she never had, but always wanted a set of those raggedy dolls as a child.


Betty’s was adorned with glittery snowflakes.  Amanda’s had a vintage Santa and jingle bells.  You could hear her a comin!


Dawn showed us her talent with her stitching of “HO” “HO” “HO”!  Here she’s just a “HO”.  Did I say that?  Naughty, Naughty!  Peggy, I need to borrow your hat.


Roylene and Kathy had the cutest ornament baubles on theirs!


Pat with snowflakes and Mary Lynn with bows.  Mary Lynn’s 12 year old granddaughter decorated hers.  Didn’t she do a good job?


My sister, Jeanne did the red/turquoise thing, which I love!  There was a darling bird on top. It’s hard to see in the pic.


Beth had such a cute idea of poor Santa being stuck in the chimney.


Here I am with my bow so big you can’t see anything else.


I saved this hat for last.  It’s a bit R-rated.  Connie decorated hers with black panties and other things (that come in small packages) which I won’t mention.  This was so unlike her that she gave us all quite a shock.  Have to admit, it was fun seeing the ‘Naughty’ side of her.  Notice that she didn’t show her face?


Sure hope that we did Santa Baby proud with the decorating of our hats.

The committee served us a delicious dinner. And the dessert table was, WOW”

I’ll leave you with a few pics of the wonderful dessert spread.





And a group picture.


Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

