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If I Wouldn't Miss the Mountains

Recently my hubby and I vacationed in Wisconsin. Why Wisconsin you ask? Well, because we have a vacation plan that has a resort there. It's in a quaint little town, 'Fish Creek' located in an area called 'Door County'. It was absolutely gorgeous! So much so that we both agreed that we could live there. That is, "If we wouldn't miss the mountains". The whole area is on the Great Lakes. Water so wide that it looks just like it's the ocean. My hubby loves being by the water. As we toured through the numerous quaint little towns he would say, "there's a place for sale." We imagined ouselves in this darling cottage, ( that's what they call them), with the backyard on the Lake. Most of the homes are way back in, down a little lane. This is so they could be on the Lake. In reality, we could never leave our gorgeous mountainous home. We love the mountains way too much. Sure was fun imagining though! I never realized how beautiful Wisconsin was. Glad we went there, and can't wait to return! I think that some of these pics will help you understand why we felt that way.

Birdhouse with a RED roof, how could anyone not love it?

You would drive for a bit heading to the next town and just out in the no wheres you'd find a cute little shop like these two to browse through.

This was a garden shop next to the antique store. So quaint!

They call this a lake?

Egg Harbor was 3 miles from our resort. Darling town-pop. 100 something.

Egg harbor park by the pier.

Fish Creek Marina

We found ourselves in 'Cherryland'. Cherry juice, cherry cheese, cherry salsa, cherry pie, and choclate covered cherries-the best. Needless to say we kept ourselves real regular on this trip. HA-HA!

I loved this Inn. One of the original homes to Fish Creek.
Now it's a Hotel and Restuarant.

Breakfast at the 'White Gull Inn'. None other than their famous, 'Cherry Stuffed French Toast'.

Peninsula National Park located N. of Fish Creek

Lighthouse in Peninsula Park. A family with 7 boys lived there for 35 years. We were able to tour through this one, very interesting history.

These next few pics are among my favorites- chairs, chairs, and more chairs!

Everywhere you went chairs were beaconing to you to "Take a Seat".

I love adriondack chairs. It was so cute how almost everyone had them in groupings.
They seemed to say, "sit, relax, and take in the gorgeous view!"

This resort really knew how to welcome the birds!

LOVE, LOVE, the flag blowing in the wind behind this chair!

Again, more chairs begging you to come sit.

See what I mean, they were everywhere! Don't you love all the different colors and styles of chairs?

We drove clear out in the boonies to find this place in Sturgeon Bay. It came highly recommended by a food critic on the internet. Darn, the fish fry was only on Fri. nites!
Shultz had a perch sandwich and I had a mushroom swiss burger. Didn't dare try the perch.
Tasted his and it was delics. I've got to be more daring! Good burger though.

This lighthouse was closed to the public.

Look at all those geese.

There was a free 9 hole par 3 golf course right on our resort.
Tiger Woods doesn't have anything on this guy!

I've never golfed, so par 3 was more like par 9 or 10 for me. Look at that form, pitiful!
oh well, practice makes perfect.
Hope to return there before too many years. Maybe then my par 9/10 will be a 5/6. Wishful thinking!
