A bit of winter. . .inside & Out

Hello my friends, while some areas have been hit with heavy snow, here in Utah we have had none to speak of.
Our mountains and ski resorts have been suffering.  Its even been too warm to make snow. 
It seems weird to see people in shorts and flip flops with our temps in the upper 50's.
But finally, snow has come!  I had almost forgotten how
pretty it is.  :)

After Christmas I pulled out my one tote that is labeled, "wintry décor".  I also left out a few things that had a winter feel.
With no snow on the ground, they really seemed out of place.
Although there were times, that it definitely was sweater weather, it hardly felt like winter!
But now they feel right at home!
Pull up a seat and crab a cuppa, because I have lots of winter to share with you today.
I love my snow topped birdhouses.
Snowmen on my living room mantle seemed to be quite pleased with the fluffy white Mother Nature has brought.
A Winter Wish has been granted.  (wink)

Things really do glisten!

I love this bowl gifted to me by a friend a few years ago.  It looks like frozen ice.  I have quite a collection of wintry ornaments and have filled a couple of containers.

The ice skates and wintry garlands hanging on the bannister no loner feel a bit odd.
I have three of these going up my stair rail.

Snowmen quilts are welcoming snow with outstretched arms.

Even the snowmen in my vignettes seem to be smiling.  :)
This one is saying, "it's about time"!

This little fella, (a recent thrift find) is saying, "howdy do".

Whether you like the cold or not, you have to admit that there is just something magical about snow.

In the kitchen, the winter theme has been carried out with snowflakes and snowmen as well.
Looks like somebody has had a cookie or two. 


My tiered tray is always one of my favorites to fill with little trinkets that I have gathered.
It's hard for me to pass up anything hand made at a thrift shop.  This cute button snowman was well worth the $.75 cents he cost!

 One of my favorite childhood songs is "Suzy Snowflake".   This sweet vintage card brings the song to my mind.
"Here comes Suzy snowflake, dressed in a snow white gown.
Tap, tap, tapping on your windowsill to tell you she's in town."

Whether or not, you care for winter. . .I hope you enjoyed my winter home today!

From my front porch to yours. . .
Happy winter from Mr. Snowman and I!

I am joining these fun parties:


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoyed your Sat morning eye candy! Makes me think I should have kept out some of my winter decorations. Oh well, there's always next year.

I like what you did to your sofa. I have a beautiful sofa that my cat has scratched the heck out of. It has the big arms like yours and I won't replace a perfectly good sofa for her to attack again, so I am thinking about covering the arms...Its large bulky size makes me believe sofa covers would not fit.

Connie said...

Everything is so pretty. I'm happy that you have the snow and we don't, LOL, but that could change:) Did you make the slipcover on your sofa? It is so pretty.
Now, go outside and make me a snow angel.
Connie :)

Kim said...

Oh, I would think everything and everyone would smile whilst strolling through your beautiful home, Jann. I do believe there is no-one who decorates as beautifully and creatively as you, lovely lady. Love the photos, especially the ones outside showing the beauty of your wintry wonderland. You have a magical home filled with wonderful wonderment. Xx

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a fantastic post filled with so much eye candy!! Love all your Winter decor!! I actually have 2 pairs of those black skated with the red shoe laces!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Susie said...

Jann, You certainly have some wonderful decorations for the winter months. Glad you got snow there, I know it effects the water supply there. Seems so late to be just getting snow. Take care, be safe out in this. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

Hello Jann, oh I love how pretty the snow looks by you. I really like the way you decorated with the winter and snowman theme.
We have had such cold weather and snow since Christmas here. It finally was a little warmer today. Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope you enjoy the winter months.
Julie xo

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Girl you make all of life a celebration!
Bless you,

Anonymous said...

Wow Jann you have decorated your home beautifully,love the snow it looks so pretty,thankyou for sharing my friend xx

Art and Sand said...

Your winter decor is all so cute, but the photo of your SheShed in the snow steals the show.

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

Very sweet! I too love to decorate wintry after Christmas but then look forward to the bunnies for Spring. They are already hopping all over the internet!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Everything looks lovely Jann. I still have all my twinkly lights up and it makes the winter month a lot more cheerful.

Rose L said...

I am so glad that we have not had snow here in Oregon where I live. I like to gaze at it on Mt. Hood and if I wanted a closer look I could always go there. But I prefer the vantage point I have!!!

NanaDiana said...

Lots of fun stuff to look at here, Jann. I have a few of the same things you do--INCLUDING the snow!!!! I could do with the 50° you have and would be glad to send you lots of snow. xo Diana

Louca por porcelana said...

Your vignettes are adorable!Hugs!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

What fun all of your Winter and snow decorations are Jann! Your tiered stand is wonderful with all those little treasures in it! Cute blue ice skates! I like the Winter Wish pick. Did you make that?
We have had snow here in Missouri a few times, and it made me so happy. At present we have no snow on the ground. Waiting for the next round. :)
I decorate for Winter with snowflakes and snowmen too. But it makes me feel cold, I'm thinking I should decorate with snowflakes in the Summer and then it will be nice to feel cold! lol
Have a great week!

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

Your pictures of the snow are so pretty. Love all your snowmen and decorations that you have out. Everything looks so pretty and warm.

Enjoy your snow and stay warm.


Jeanie said...

I adore your winter decor. My snowpeople come out after Christmas too. You have some treasures. And I have to say, the snow looks so pretty there! Especially on the birdhouses and that view of the garden house with the heavily laden tree in the foreground! I'm so with you on leaving the decor going for awhile, to get us through the dark nights!

Decor To Adore said...

Jann, you have inspired m to gather my own winter-themed decor and create some heartwarming vignettes. Have a happy Monday!

Cindy D said...

Hi Jann. I'm usually a cup half full kind of girl. But this cold and dreary winter we're having in NE was really getting to me. It was really hard to think positive. But you succeeded to melt my heart with those lovely pics you added. What brought it home was the lovely melody about Suzy Snowflake. I've never heard it before, but you reciting it made me feel I heard it a million times. Thank you, Cindy <3

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Jann it all looks SO beautiful! I love all of the different vignettes but I ADORE that window hanging outside! My twins are working in Telluride, CO at a ski resort and it's been pitiful! They are PRAYING for snow just like Utah. Out of 148 trails, they only have 17 open. Yes, it's been too warm to even make snow - my girls said it feels like perpetual spring . . . while we are here freezing in Chicago! Although it was mid-50's here today with rain and hail haha. Our snow melted this weekend as temps were in mid-40's.

Texas lady said...

Jan, I thought I was the only one to decorate after Christmas with snowmen, then I happened onto your blog! We rarely have snow in deep East Texas, 'behind the pine curtain', however we did earlier in the month. And the song 'suzy snowflake' is also a favorite one of mine too. Are we kin?! Fun!
