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Fall Harvest Mantle

The words Fall and Harvest just seem to go hand in hand.  One can’t think about Fall without thinking about the harvest.

The harvesting of our gardens summer bounty. . .preserving excess produce for Winter delight.

Harvesting our herbs to add wonderful flavors to homemade soups and pasta.

Harvesting pumpkins for both fun and pleasure.

It was these thoughts that I had in mind when I decorated my mantle for Fall.

That and this fabulous tole tray that I found at our local thrift.


I originally picked it up with intentions of listing it in my etsy shop.  Well, you know how that goes.

I love blue and orange together for Fall.


The tray tucked in my primitive white washed box amongst a variety of pumpkins was perfect for my ‘Fall Harvest’ theme!



An assortment of wooden and fabric pumpkins.


On one side of the mantle I added two wool pumpkins and my recent brown transferware find elevated on a tarnished silver stand.


A well worn and loved toy truck hauls a load of mini pumpkins.  Fresh from the farm.  Nothing quite like the sight of a pumpkin patch to bring a smile to your face!


I added my blue candelabra to hi-lite the blue accents in the tray.  Notice that the candles are not the same color?  I took one of each with me to two different stores trying to match one or the another.  Didn’t really want to buy 5 new ones.  I didn’t find either color and this week I will be decorating my mantle for Halloween so no need to bother. lol!


I have been harvesting my sunflower heads for décor.  The birds have been feasting on the seeds.


I made the book page pumpkin banner last year.  Simple and sweet. . .perfect for this ‘Fall Harvest’ mantle!


The harvest theme is carried out upon the hearth.  A bundle of sage will make it ‘s way into our Thanksgiving turkey dressing.



I made this herb alphabet sampler years ago, but I still love it.  A spool of twine is handy for bundling herbs.


Soon I will harvest this years Hydrangea blooms.  Love using them throughout the Christmas holiday!  Old blooms are corralled in my olive bucket.  I added the scale to add a touch of blue to the hearth as well.  It’s topped with a giant acorn.


Before we know it, the harvest will be over.  I need to pick beets and bottle them this week.

I love this time of year and the ‘Fall Harvest’!  Just makes me want to pull out cozy blankets, and cook up something warm and delicious!


I hope you are enjoying the Fall Harvest!


I will be sharing with these lovely parties:
Thoughts from Alice for Sundays at Home
Make it Monday
Ivy and Elephants for What's it Wednesday?

I’m going NUTS!

I’m like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter
If you know me very well then you know that I have always been a little bit corny.
Well, this time of year It’s a little more obvious than usual. . . not only am I (a)corny gal, I’m really a little bit nuts!
I can’t seem to get enough of those cute things that fall from the oak trees.  I’m stashing them everywhere!
I think it could possibly be contagious because I even have hubby helping me.  We were both grabbing handfuls of acorns lying on the ground when we went for a walk the other evening.
It’s like we think we’re going to wake up to snow tomorrow and have nothing to eat.  lol!
Real or faux. . .I just love them!
acorn pincushion created by moi.
sweet little acorn coasters
My chalkboard art was inspired by Cottage in the Oaks.

How about you, are you going a little bit nuts?  The holidays can do that to ya.
But if you are (a)corny gal like me you probably love every minute of it!
p.s.  I want to thank Revi for featuring my Fall Greetings on the Front Porch
 post at her Thrifty Life Thursday party.

Share Your Cup Thursday #119

Hello my friends and welcome to Share Your Cup, (SYC for short).  The party where you share the things that make you happy.

If this is the first time you joined the party and I want to say, ‘welcome’; happy to have you!  And thanks to all of you faithful party people that help to make this party a success!

Now here’s the features from SYC #118:

Sarah from Backwoods Babies shared her kitchen remodel.  You won’t believe the before photos.


Kris from Junk Chic Cottage shared her darling coffee station.  I’m not a coffee drinker, but this cute station might tempt me to start.  lol!


from C.D's  Country Living shared her wonderful desk makeover.

Desk after main

Linda from Bushel and a Pickle shared her pretty Fall vignette on her credenza.


Revi from Revisionary Life shared her unique and creative industrial vignette.


 Tiffany from  Broward Saves shared the recipe for these delicious Pumpkin Walnut Sticky Buns.


Thanks so much everyone and please grab my button if you were featured.


Now let’s get this party started:

1. I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson.
2. Link up a particular post and not your entire blog. Please limit your links to no more than three and please do not link up the same thing you linked up last week.
3. Please have a link back to this post. That way others will know where the party is. Feel free to grab my button on the sidebar if you’d like. Only those with a link back will be featured4. Please find time to visit at least two other participants. It’s a great way to find new friends!

After you link up, please come back and leave a comment. They fill my cup!

Tuesdays Tour. . .Artistic Living

Originally I was going to share the beautiful colors of Autumn in our mountains for the arrival of Fall.

We planned to take a trip on Sunday.  We woke up to rain and it continued all day.  Needless to say it didn’t happen.

So instead I am sharing a very unique and artistic home with you. Photos taken with my phone, so not fabulous.

Last June I attended a garden tour.  The owners of this home graciously opened up the inside for us to tour as well.

In the living room this gorgeous quilt block pattern was painted right onto the hardwood floor.


This home had more going on than what I would be able to live with, but I wanted to share the amazing talent of the woman that lived there.


She hand painted all of these murals on the wall.  Imagine the hours that went into this!  These were also in the living room.


There was painting in pretty much every room in the home, but I didn’t take photos of all of it.

This is the kitchen table.  Just look at the detail around the edge.


She also created this light fixture.  Not only a talented artist, but she does amazing glass work!



A real tree branch with a painted silhouette was in one of the boys room.  I thought it was so unique.


The entire room had a woodsy theme.


Three chairs formed a bench at the foot of a bed.


Quilts hung on the wall as you walked up the stairs.  Where does this woman find the time to exercise so many talents?


Another beautiful quilt draped across a bed.


A collection of hats and more quilts hung in the kitchen.



This was probably my favorite thing about the entire home.  I loved the open pantry with the jars.


Like I said, not everyone could live in a home like this, but I love that she has expressed herself in so many ways!


