Showing posts with label QA TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QA TV. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2015

a new DVD in the to speak

on the set of Quilting Arts TV
Quilting Arts TV host, Susan Brubaker Knapp and me on the set of QA TV
I was thrilled to be asked back for my 4th time to film some episodes for Quilting Arts TV. They also asked me to create and film my 3rd DVD.

(aside: Pokey Bolton, founder of Quilting Arts and now creating her own Crafting a Life company, and Interweave and now F&W Media have done sooooo much for my career! I can't thank them enough for their faith in me.)

I filmed a TV segment on my Poke Berry Series, and one on felt milagros and a short one on how to felt soap. The TV episodes air on Public TV and once they are released, you can buy the DVD set or download.
vivika and me meeting
Vivika Hansen DeNegre, Quilting Arts magazine Editor and me
Vivika and I have been online friends for years, and this was our first in person meeting. She is the best!!
green room on  Quilting Arts TV
On the table in the green room! "MY" magazine cover and my DVD
on the set of Quilting Arts TV
A quick break in filming my Intro to Wet Felting DVD.
Vivika helps with directorial guidance!
My upcoming DVD with the working title "Intro to Wet Felting" will be about hour long. It took nearly 3 hours to film. It's hard work to remember everything (no cue cards) and to smile and to look competent!

on the set of Quilting Arts TV
Another episode with Susan for Quilting Art TV. (where is that camera lens anyway?)

dinner with the Quilting Arts peeps and fellow artists
dinner at the end of day one.
back row:Cecile Whatman, Pat Pauly, Susan Brubaker Knapp, Kristine Lundblad (Asst Editor, Quilting Arts magazine) front row: Desiree Habicht, me, Vivika Hansen DeNegre were all on set, so we had a lovely dinner out together. So great to relax and get to know each other after a hard day filming.
wine and chips after filming
my reward for 2 days of filming! chips and wine.
All and all an experience that I will cherish. I'm also quite glad to have it behind me. 
The DVD will be out in a few months, and probably the QA TV series 1600 soon after that. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Quilting Arts TV Series 800

 sitching your drawing  segment QA TV series 800
Pokey Bolton and Me
Quilting Arts TV Series 800 is out! I always buy the set of DVDs and watch them again and again while I'm working in my studio. I made 3 appearances in this series. That's Pokey Bolton and I on the set, when I filmed in Cleveland in February of this year.
My art is on the cover! left side, middle left is a bit of my Nostalgia Series.

Machine Felting QA TV Series 800
Episode 809 I showed how I do my machine needle felting and you can download the article I wrote for Quilting Arts magazine here.
 sitching your drawing  segment QA TV series 800
Episode 802, I show how I do transferring sketches onto vintage linens.
epidsode 2 sitching your drawing the set
Episode 803, I demo-ed some techniques used in my Nostalgia quilt series.  

Friday, March 11, 2011

Glib, but sincere

Pokey Bolton An excerpt from Pokey Bolton's recent email blast.
What it's Like to Be On ‘QATV’
I gave you a behind-the-scenes look at taping “QATV” Season 8 on my Editor's blog last week. But it's only fair that I give the guest quilt artists a chance to tell you what it's really like.So I asked three, two newbies and a veteran, to give you their own take on what it's like to be on “Quilting Arts TV.”

Jane LaFazio, mixed-media and quilt artist
quilt artist jane lafazioHave you ever been on TV before?
This is the second time I've filmed for 'QATV', so the TV filming was relatively easy. (I had two segments in Series 300.) Pokey is a great host and asks the perfect questions, and it's always wonderful to be around her warmth and energy. It was really nice to see the same producers, assistants, and camera people as last time there, so it felt very comfortable.
What was the best part?
The martini at the end of the day tasted great. The bar was having $4 martini night, so I could afford two! Seriously, though, Jeanne Cook-Delpit (of Bernina) is great to work with. Fun and unflappable! Which is a much-needed quality as she was teaching me to use the wondrous and fancy Bernina machine that I'd use on the set.
What would you do differently next time?
I know I made some mistakes on camera, that I wish I hadn't...I sniffed, I hit my mic, I talked too fast and made the segments shorter than they should have been. But I'll take away the kind comments of the director, when he said I was a natural on camera, and came across very well, and when one of the producer's assistants told me I was 'inspirational.' I told her thank you, and that that is what I want to be: inspirational. And rich!
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