An excerpt from Pokey Bolton's recent email blast.
What it's Like to Be On ‘QATV’
I gave you a behind-the-scenes look at taping “QATV” Season 8 on my Editor's blog last week. But it's only fair that I give the guest quilt artists a chance to tell you what it's really like.So I asked three, two newbies and a veteran, to give you their own take on what it's like to be on “Quilting Arts TV.”
Jane LaFazio, mixed-media and quilt artist
Have you ever been on TV before?
This is the second time I've filmed for 'QATV', so the TV filming was relatively easy. (I had two segments in Series 300.) Pokey is a great host and asks the perfect questions, and it's always wonderful to be around her warmth and energy. It was really nice to see the same producers, assistants, and camera people as last time there, so it felt very comfortable.
What was the best part?
The martini at the end of the day tasted great. The bar was having $4 martini night, so I could afford two! Seriously, though, Jeanne Cook-Delpit (of Bernina) is great to work with. Fun and unflappable! Which is a much-needed quality as she was teaching me to use the wondrous and fancy Bernina machine that I'd use on the set.
What would you do differently next time?
I know I made some mistakes on camera, that I wish I hadn't...I sniffed, I hit my mic, I talked too fast and made the segments shorter than they should have been. But I'll take away the kind comments of the director, when he said I was a natural on camera, and came across very well, and when one of the producer's assistants told me I was 'inspirational.' I told her thank you, and that that is what I want to be: inspirational. And rich!