Saturday, April 26, 2008
How to get lost
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
How Time Flies
When you are on vacation! Wednesday already. I've been spending my 'vacation' doing things around the house that never get done when I'm working. We bought a hot tub a couple of months ago, thinking it would be just the thing for those aches and pains you get when you are as 'young' as we are - but it spent the winter on the deck while we got the back porch ready for it. One thing led to another of course, but it is finally almost finished and the hot tub is in (it takes up half the porch). Now to get it hooked up and running!
I've been knitting more felted bags. Great knitting for watching baseball games because I don't have to look at what I'm doing, or count stitches, just knit around and around like Jacoby and Dustin running bases!
I'm also stash knitting - trying to use up all of the leftover wool from other projects (and yes, I'm making sure they really are wool.) I'm thinking of playing a baseball game with my next bag - like knit in one color until the inning ends and then switch to another color - doesn't take much to amuse me!
(Also called Tricky Trays, and Silent Auctions in other parts of the country)
to benefit the 8th grade trip to Boston in June.
I'm not buying yarn right now - but couldn't resist Knitpicks Sampler offer - you get one skein each of 6 different yarns for and patterns to make a one-skein project from each one of them. Now - that doesn't count as buying yarn, does it?
And for my fellow Sox fans - Some great memories.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Spring Vacation
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
It's being built on an absolutely beautiful piece of land (thank you Roni!!!)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Losing at Vegas
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Our visitors are back......
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Then go over to the Cloverhill Yarn Shop Countdown to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and leave a comment to be elegible to win a hand dyed skein of yarn.
And a ton more contests here.
Monday, April 07, 2008
The Vegas Knitting Game Bag

So to amuse myself this weekend I started on this bag. You have heard of the "Vegas Knitting Game Scarf"? (Knitting Pattern a Day Calendar, March 21, 2006)
Well, here is my Vegas Knitting Game Bag!
I grabbed:
6 partial skeins of leftover 100% wool yarn from my stash and labeled them 1-6.
One Die
5 playing cards - I used the 4, 6, 8, 10, and queen of hearts. The queen = 12.
Then I rolled the die, found the yarn with that number on it and CO 40 stitches on size 10 1/2 26" circs. I knit 40 rows in garter stitch (20 ridges) and then picked up 20 stitches along the side of the rectangle, the 40 CO stitches, 20 stitches along the other side of the rectangle and joined into a round. Then I rolled the die again - found the color (if I rolled the same number twice, I rolled again), shuffled the 5 cards and drew one. That's how many rows I knit with the first color. roll the die again - tied on the yarn with that number, drew another card, and knit that many rows. This is what I have so far. I'll keep going until it is about 14 inches tall, then roll the die for the color of the i-cord handles - two - probably about 36" long, then felt them along with the bag, shape and dry over a plastic cereal box. When it is dry, the handles will go on pretty much like the Black Sheep Booga Bag.
Here's what I have so far - hey, it's the next best thing to going to Vegas LOL. The dark color is actually purple and not black - no black for this bag!!!