Showing posts with label nieces quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nieces quilt. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer Project Update

I am not sure about you but I do not do a lot of quilting over the summer.
Family and fun come to the forefront.
I have a project list I made in the Spring for myself and I thought I would post the projects one at a time to show you what I have been up to over the last few months.

Here is the list....
Red working on
Red crossed off, completed.

1. Niece's graduation quilt.
2.Granddaughter's Quilt
3. Halloween quilt , basted.
4. Sailboat quilt top pieced from my sweet bee sisters.
5. Farm girl vintage. Put blocks into top. Sashing and cornerstones cut.
6. Picnic quilt -Done
7. Continue on my diamond EPP project. Starting to make stars
8. Boy baby quilt.
9. Feed company quilt. Working on Blocks.
10. Make Harry Potter quilt with my 7 year old grandson.  He laid out his pattern and we have started!
11. Redwork snowman embroidery .
12. my double gauze flower sugar quilt. 
13.  Two pillowcase made for my grandson.
14 Sweet Bee Blocks Done
15. Plus blocks sent.
16. Flag Quilt Top Done and basted.
17. Pattern Tested a Tote Bag. 

My Nieces High School Graduation Quilt

She choose the fabrics.
I laid them out to see which layout I liked best, then made a Rail Fence Quilt.

Some sad news on Memorial Day we lost our Bulldog Sophie. She was 7 years old and it happened in a 12 hour period. She did not suffer. She was having a hard time breathing. We took her in and her soft pallet was swollen, one lung collapsed, and her esophagus was no longer attached. There was nothing they could do, it was very hard on our college daughter as that was her dog.

It took our girl Charley a while to realize Sophie was not coming back, but now getting bigger and fills our home with joy. 

She loves to swim, even in the kiddie pool!

I am going to leave you with this as I know it applies to so many of us!

I will be back with more show and tell projects.
Happy Sewing!