Showing posts with label coral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coral. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Another Finish

Slowly the quilts I started in 2013 are getting finished.

Oh for the days when I can take my quilts out for a photo shoot and not in the house!!
My Coral Quilt
The Coral Quilt went from this:

to this flimsy

To this warm and crinkly quilt fresh from the dryer.

Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you get to do something you love.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Flimsy Number Two!

Yippee!!  Things are going well with my college quilts. I finished the flimsy for quilt number two.

and I have started to tie the purple one! 

 I am so proud of myself for getting a jump on these quilts.

Oh wait, I still have Maggie's and that one is hand quilted.
Well. I have until May!
Have a wonderful weekend and do something you love.