We had a lovely long weekend. Lot's of family and fun and food and movies!
Little Miss turned two September 1st. So it was party time.
Anytime she sees anything she thinks is pretty she says "Ooh La La" so her party was a Pink "Ooh La La" party. My daughter had the whole house decked out in pink. When I die that is just how I hope Heaven will look!
I decided to make her a dress up gift. I found the perfect chest and then had a ton of fun filling it will dress up items.
Of course a Pink Sleeping Beauty Dress
A Blue Cinderella Dress
A Yellow Belle Dress
short gloves with pink fluff
long white gloves
a pink boa
and dress up shoes!
I made a little tote for her to keep the smaller items in, so they would not get lost.
Some pink bean bags to play hot potato!
Maggie made her an Ooh La La Wall Hanging.
Pink Cupcakes with White Sprinkles was the Birthday girl's request.
What a fun time.
Even my husband dressed up in pink clothes! I will spare you all that picture. (but that may be his legs and socks in the one picture) But you know how it is, anything for those little ones.
Oh they do fill your heart.
I am off for a few days with my friend Elaine to a quilt show.
Enjoy the rest of your week.