Showing posts with label 4x4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4x4. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Studio Notes in November

I've given myself a little assignment in the studio, which is to work on 10"x10" cruciform collage-paintings until I am sick of them, or bored, and then keep working on them to see what happens.  I so admire the work of artists who seem to go deep into an idea, really milk it over dozens and dozens of pieces.  I have a short attention span, and although I almost always work in series, my series tend to be short.  Unless they are defined simply by size and material - the 100 Drawings on 9"x12" paper, the 4"x4" ongoing series.

I've been working 22"x30" for a while, so I wanted to go back to a smaller size for a bit.  I'm working back and forth between the 22"x30" on the wall, and the 10"x10" on the work table. 

Here are just a couple of the pieces in process:

Grid-1, layer 1

Grid-1, layer 2 and 3

Grid-1, the next few layers

Grid-1, final

Grid-2, layer 1
Grid-2, with all the other layers, final

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fresh Paint Friday #3

Another episode of Fresh Paint Friday!  This piece was inspired by another of my 4"x4" Teeny Tiny Art pieces, and I was surprised at how much it actually looks like the original.  When I take inspiration from a finished piece, the new piece usually ends up quite different.  Here is the 4"x4":

And here is the video, with James Hill on the ukulele.  (I am DYING to take a ukulele lesson with him!)


And here is the final piece:

Fresh Paint #3
Fresh Paint #3 is available for purchase here.  You can buy the original or choose from many different print sizes, materials, and framing options.  Thanks for visiting.

Don't forget Monday's drawing of the Giveaway!