We are both very excited it is a boy, but I am more excited that everything looked normal during the ultrasound. I was so nervous that my nausea medication would cause birth defects. The new ultrasounds are amazing because everything was so distinct that we could tell what everything was by ourselves. The doctor wouldn't have been able to keep the sex a secret even if he tried. We knew right off. I wanted to post the picture because I think it's so funny, but it's probably a little inappropriate.
To celebrate we decided to buy an outfit. Of course it was a little camo outfit and then Rusty wanted us to go look at fabric so we could make a camo blanket. Now I'm starting to wonder if we should have had a girl first. :)
I am so excited for you guys! Joe told me you were prego and very sick. That totally stinks, but glad the baby is healthy. You guys are going to have so much fun! Being a parent rocks! You will have to post some belly pics!!
Jerianne, I need to call you!! Congratulations! Rusty is going to have the best hunting partner. I want to see a picture of your belly.... I'll be waiting! ;)
Yea! I am so excited for you... You are going to be a wonderful mother.
Yay for babies! That's awesome!
o so fun, i love the pic, but i want you to start posting ones of you, i am sure you are still way small, but when you get a tummy i can't wait to see it. And yes we already have bought camo outfits and blankets.
Yay! I'm so excited for you guys!!!
Wow! Congrats! We are so happy to hear that you are expecting! Bishop told us last week and we are so glad to hear that it's a boy too! Boys rock!
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