It’s almost our one year anniversary and a full year of living in Salt Lake City. While thinking about these two things and looking back on our first year of marriage all I can say is Wow I can’t believe how much stuff has been stolen from us in a year span. Since friends have been telling me to update my blog and I can’t because our new camera has been stolen, I decided to blog all the items that have been stolen from us in the last year. That way when you come to a time in your life when you have the choice to move to Salt Lake or some where else you will now make the right decision.

A wool coat.

Not just two poles, but three or four.

Rusty's tennis shoes....which he probably needed new ones anyway.

A new camera I bought for Rusty's birthday so he would have a nice camera when he went to Alaska...10x optical zoom so he could zoom up on the polar bears. We also bought a camera a couple of weeks ago and it said it was dilivered three days ago and we have yet to see it.

A new laptop I had just bought. Similiar to this one but with a different design. I was still making payments when stolen.

Rusty's laptop. It was older, but hey it still worked great and it's always nice to have an extra laptop when both your professions require a computer.

A fly tying box that Rusty's dad gave him.

And all the fly tying material that was inside the fly tying box. I seperated them because they each are expensive. I wish I could say this stopped Rusty from fly fishing, but he had 10 or 15 flies that weren't stolen so every free chance he had he was still out fishing.

A dress that my mom bought me to wear to the temple on my wedding day. Which I loved and the material was amazing. We looked everywhere to find another one, but couldn't. It looked nothing like this dress, but the model looks cute in it. :)

My makeup bag. Full of all my makeup and perfume because I couldn't decide what I wanted for the wedding.

Tiffany was kind enough to remind me that I forgot to add her curling iron I borrowed on my wedding day and a mixing board from the sound equipment we used for our reception. Although the owner was nice enough to not charge us. Took pitty on us I guess. :)

Last of all was a clay pot. A mom gave me a potted plant at the end of the last year. The people who stole the pot from our front door step decided they wanted the pot but not the plant. They were kind enough to leave the plant. Needless did they know the plant was probably worth more then a $.99 clay pot.
Welcome to Salt Lake. Some of this stuff we have no idea how it got stolen. We don't know if it was out of our car or from our apartment. We are paranoid about leaving anything in our car so it's hard to imagine it was stolen from there, but if they stole it from our apartment, why didn't they take anything else? Who knows. All I know is I sleep with a loaded gun on one side and bear spray on the other to make myself feel safe.