Yesterday I went on a trip to Oslo with a lot of my friens from
Elverum Quiltelag. We where on a shopping trip visiting both
Katrines Quiltestue and
Lappemakeriet.A big event to be abel to chare all this fun together. Look at all the happy faces, I think every one got some treasures... ;-)
May Britt has a lot of photos on her blog, thake a look ...

Of course I had to make my second bag from the
Bag club to bring. Don't every Quilt trip demant a new one? This one are "Beach House by
Natalie Ross In Stitches. Unusual colours to me , but I love it.
And just the rigth size to bring on for shopping....

Here are a few photos from the trip ... At Katrines we got some coffee and offer to sit down and thake a time out in the shopping...

She also had some great show and tell.....

This is her new Bom , starting soon. Realy beautifull big quilt, but to big for me ....... I belive LOL

By Lappemakeriet some of us "Girls" found this seat... Tough to climb, but great to sit and swing our tired legs on... Now I realy can cach a glimpse from my childhood........

Particular when I can see the way
May Britt get down from the seat ..... LOL She realy made the day for Irene and me ;-)

I have done one more item this last weeks, Flora Engleløper by
Nothern Quilts. A Broderus kit. I feel so great - all of my subscriptions done this time ..... So now I can just wait for the next kit. Block 2 from Down in my Garden has arrived - hope to start to make the block to morrow...

Hm ....If I got some new treasures.... of course.. Take a look. New fabrics- Cosmo floss- Octagon Paper Pieces- Straw needels and "candy" What else can a quilters heart wish...
Oh one more thing.... I manage to order the buttons for
Lynettes new BOM to day.... (Thanks and hugs to you May Britt.) I will get them from Siw at Quiltegården. This must be one of the great "MUST HAVE" items this year....
Have fun and take care , I belive I will be back soon.... Soon more to show and tell ;-)