My head are bubbling of ideas and memories from a great week.
Leanne was so lovely, even more than we ever had dreamt about. What a girl! She was giving and giving all the time. And she told us to take photo and to touch all her quilts. She made blocks and drawings to a lot of us.
May Britt,
Hanne and
Vigdis has shown pictures of all the great things Leanne has made,so I will show how we was enjoying ,chatting and working. Leanne was moving around taking care of us all.

This clever girls are working on the stitchery. On the walls you can see some of the quilts we borrowed from quilters in Elverum Quiltelag.I want to say: Thank you to all of you who let us deccorate the walls and show some of the beautifull quilts you make.

Here are a flash from a" show and tell." It is "Leannes House" made in Japanese fabeics. Great.

Here are the girls who made this great week happen. Bente ,the owner of Lille Stasjon , Siw ,the owner of
Quiltegården and of course Leanne. Big hugs and thank you to you all.We all hope it will be possible to meet again and have a new great time.

To day I made this little bag. It is a Leanne pattern,markeds bags -from the book Romancing the road trip. I made it with my Elvis fabrics. When I went to shop to day it feels like "Elvis has left the building" It was so quiet with all you lovely ladies gone . I feel a kind of empty, I have been working with the visit as a goal for a long time .......and suddenly it is all over.- But what great memories I got. All the laughter and the fun are bubbeling in my stomach. And all the new ideas I got. WoW. I have a lot to do and dream about. One of my dreams are to save money and be able to take a journey to Australia. I need to buy a fabrics with photo of kangaroos on , so I can make me a Australian bag to.And I love to meet you girls in Australia.......So just watch out....some day....may-be.....
PS. I have named my Elvis bag Aloha From Hawaii and the flowers are a Lei, given to me from a friend who has been in Hawaii.
Have fun and take care. Big hug from me. :-)
ja, tenk så trivelige dager vi har hatt. Med koselige folk, masse inspirasjon og mye moro.
Thanks for sharing pictures of the dream week with Leanne. I'm glad you were able to take her workshop and spend time with such neat ladies.
I quite understand how you must be feeling... We could share some of these wonderful moments, thanks to the numerous pictures. Fortunately, Leanne left you with tons of inspiration, out of which beautiful quilts will come !
LOVE your Elvis bag (love Elvis !) - I didn't even know there are Elvis fabrics -
Your trip to Australia will happen, if you consider it as a PROJECT (not as a dream only). Do everything you can and it will happen (and don't forget to take me with you ! LOL)....
Big HUGS & smiles to you !
Yes we did have a great week with Leanne. Now we have all these good memories. And I have started to save money for our aussie trip.
Hi! Great pictures! It was wonderful to be part of the end of the dream week with Leanne! And I love your Elvis bag!!! Cool!
Yes, the week-end was great! I had been looking forward to this in a long long time!
I do envy you having this class with Leanne :) I am glad you had such a lovely time you will have the memories to lighten your days for months I am sure.
Hi,thanks for your visit in my blog! What a fortune for you to have known Leanne, I love a lot her jobs, the quilts with the embroideries,marvelous!Compliments for your blog, I like so much. Talk to you soon ;)))
I have that Elvis fabric!! And some great stuff off Blue Hawaii as well, equilter carries it.dd has a bag from it as well...
Also pop an email to me and I will send you some Kangaroo fabric, I am 75% positive that there is some at my LQS, lol Tracey
Hi Laila, I sent you a small parcel AND tagged you today - hope that's ok :O)
I love your Elvis bag! What fun, and the visit from Leanne souns like it was just so special!
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