Sunday, May 9, 2010
This is my first Mother's Day. A few weeks ago, as I was thinking about what to get for my mother and mother-in- law and grandmothers, I suddenly realized, "Oh yeah, I'm a mother, too!" This is my first mother's day to be a mom, and from now on, I get to celebrate and be celebrated each year. But what makes me most happy is not finally holding the title of "mother" but the reason I hold that title, my baby. I'm celebrating him today and thanking God for blessing Jack and I with our long awaited very own child, Smith.

So even though I'm a very new mom, here are some of my thoughts of motherhood so far.

To me, motherhood is seeing my baby's face for the first time and staring in awe, realizing that I'm holding a tiny miracle in my arms, experiencing a love that is inexplainable and uncontainable.

Motherhood is being awake in the early dawn, my baby asleep on my chest, feeling his stomach rise and fall with tiny breaths.

Motherhood is not being able to get anything done because my baby constantly wants to be held.

Motherhood is holding my baby in one arm and trying to do everything else with the other.

Motherhood is a pathway to selflessness, with the needs and wants of my child taking the place of my own.

Motherhood is the wonderful job of taking care of someone who is helpless without me.

Motherhood is a messy house and a full heart, sleepless nights and skin-to-skin naps, showerless days and sweet baby smells, sticky boobs and an everlasting bond, poopy diapers and thrilling first smiles, ear-splitting cries and precious coos... Motherhood is the most exhausting and most fulfilling job. Motherhood is having a child who is worth it all.

"There's no work more complex, more important, or more exalted than that of caring for children. After all, it's what God Himself has chosen, above all else, to do with His time." - Mike Mason, 'The Mystery of Children'

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! You're hard-working and deserve to be recognized and celebrated.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom... You have been an amazing mom throughout the years and now that I've entered motherhood, I have so much more respect and appreciation for all that you've done for me. You are an inspiration to me. I want to be like you. I love you!

8 comments to MOTHERHOOD:

Loretta said...

Happy Mother's Day! You have captured the true meaning of being a mother. Your little boy is precious. Blessings to all of you.

PaisleyJade said...

Happy Mother's Day!!! Your baby is so beautiful!!!

Mandy said...

This is Awesome whit! Your an amazing mother:)

Unknown said...

Sweet Whit,
What a high compliment...thank you for making my day even more special! I've always loved being your mom, yes even when you wouldn't lie down in your crib but would finally fall asleep clinging to the rail. I felt terrible letting you do that, but you did learn to sleep in your crib! Your words about motherhood are beautiful and poignant...I agree with you that God made you to be a mom!!
Love you with all my heart,


Silas Karioka said...

Happy Mother's Day! Should be really awesome live those things that you described, knowing that all of this is for your child. May God continue blessing you.

ellendenisee said...

So sweet!!

blessings xoxo

Sheree said...

Hey there! You don't know me but follow your twitter. Thank you for sharing your life with people like me (a stranger!) as it's a blessing and inspiring. Praying for you guys. And by the way, your son's photo in this blog of a full bloewn laugh... Cracked me up!

Mark n Misti said...

Happy Mother's Day! We live in Baytown also! I just found your blog and looked at it all. My family and I are Leeland fans, and are so glad you guys call Baytown home! Awesome pictures, and a beautiful baby! Have a great day!

Mark and Misti

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