Happy Friday everyone!! How are you all? Just wanted to share a TGF creation!! I played with my NEVER EVER set!! Who doesn't LOVE Peter Pan!!! And......Wendy of course!! Let us not forget those Lost Boys!! Haha!! I am TRYING to get everyone ready for our little road trip!! We arae going to Pittsburgh to see my girl Kim and my god-daughter Skylar!! Woohoo!!! Look out here we come!! Gotta pack the "road trip" snacks the "road trip" activities, heck.......we have got it all!! We will be PREPARED!!
Anyway, here is a TGF creation, for your viewing pleasure!! Hope you like!! I actually started out following a PCP sketch?? Then I realized the sketch was old and just scrapped the idea!! Haha!! I have been trying to get involved in more challeneges, oh well!! I LOVE this regardless!! Have an AWESOME day and I will see you on Sunday!! Happy weekend!! ENJOY LIFE!!PS**How do you like that , TGF DSP .....and? A TGF Sentiment!! Told you it was TGIF....TGF style!! Thanks SO much for stopping by!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
TGIF.....TGF style!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 1:33 PM 4 comments
Labels: The Greeting Farm
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Hey there!! Thursday again!! AND?? I have another STAMPINSANITY challenge for you!! I must be off to get ready for work SO, sorry this is QUICK!! This week's GROOVYLICIOUS challenge is to..........................
Hope you will join us!! Sorry mine is not exactly lace OR stitching??? BUT??? I spent MOST of my time looking for the lace I KNEW I had!! You see that I did NOT find it!!!! Oh well.......I REALLY tried to improvise!!!! Have an AWESOME day and don't forget to visit the rest of the GROOVY GURLZ!!! They ROCK!!! AND??????? ENJOY LIFE!!!!
Beth {Owner} - http://stampinsanity.com/blog
Posted by Javablustamper at 9:26 AM 5 comments
Labels: Challenge, StampInsanity
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
See, I needed to make a card for my DEAR old dad!! AND?? It HAD to have a car on it!!! Well.....little story for ya! Last week my sister came over the one night to visit. I asked her if she minded if I ran down to Michaels QUICK, while she was here?? That way I didn't have to drag my poor 3 kids along for yet ANOTHER craft excursion!! That and the fact that I HAD to get my NEW, PINK ATG gun, with my 40% coupon !! Haha!! *jumping up and down* Of course my sister ROCKS and said SURE!! Long story short?? My card DIED in the parking lot!! Can you believe it?? Thank goodness my dad lived VERY close to the Mike's I was at!! I got MY jumper cables out and he came to help me jump start my DEAD battery!! Notice I said MY jumper cables!! Yes folks, I am a girl and I was prepared!! Anyway.....my dad came to the rescue!! Thank goodness my kids were at home this time! THANKS dad!!
This little cutie is for him and will go in the mail tomorrow!! Hope he likes it and hope you do too!! Here is Mercy's AWESOME sketch and MY flipped take on it!! Have a fabulous day and I will see you tomorrow with another sketch!! ENJOY LIFE!!!
I used LOVE beetle Huggabugg from Stamping Bella, Basic Grey DSP, PTI cardstock and my Copics!!! The flowers are just misc stash!! I thought I would try my hand at the STAMPING BELLA CHALLENGE too!! I am NOT sure how to enter it, BUT, we shall see!!! Haha!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 1:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: Challenge, Stamping Bella
Sunday, August 22, 2010
ANOTHER NEW CHALLENGE......................
New to me, anyway!! I thought I would try my hand at the SFYTT challenge!! Oh.....haha.....how are you today?? How was your weekend?? Hope you had a GREAT one!! My house is in "gear up for school" mode!! Kyah just found out who her teacher is and I ma hopeful for a better year than the last few!!! I am thinking POSITIVE folks!! Her teacher seems real nice and I have heard GREAT things about her!! Kyah is SUPER excited TOO, for it was one of her picks!! We always discuss which teachers she would like for the next school year! Kyah is SO busy now, with getting ready for school and starting her FIRST year of cheerleading!! I am SO proud of her!!
OK......sorry to ramble!! I am SO babbling!! Haha!! On to the SFYTT sketch!! Hope you like it as much as I do!! Since it is back to school, it was ONLY appropriate that I use my TEACHER ANYA!! Well.....that and my DCWV school stack!! What a PERFECT match!! For sure!! I colored TEACHER ANYA in with my copics and added the paper clip board as my extra touch!! Now......keep in mind........you will want to play along, because you have a chance to win some AWESOME TGF images!!! See......CLUB ANYA is the sponsor this week!! WOOHOO!! You just GOTTA love that!! Check out this sketch an MY take below!! Thanks SO much for stopping by and I will see you SOON!! ENJOY LIFE!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 5:52 PM 2 comments
Labels: Challenge, Club Anya, The Greeting Farm
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hey all!! How are you?? Hope you are AWESOME!! Just wanted to share a QUICK challenge with you!! Now...... of course it is from STAMPINSANITY, but, it seems I cannot read!! Haha!! I was SO excited that I got my creation finished, that I did NOT read the FINE print!! OR....should I say, I did NOT pay attention!! I am thinking BUTTONS!!! I did NOT even think about the BUTTERCUP!!! Uh......HELLO??!!!! GEESH!!! I mean..............really?? Haha!! SO sorry GROOVY'S!!! Here is the challenge and MY take on it!!! I used a STAMPINSANITY sentiment, LOVE those by the way!! I also used y Basic Grey buttons and some misc DSP!! Hope you like and hope to see you here tommorrow!! Have a GREAT day!! Thanks for visiting!! ENJOY LIFE!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 7:05 AM 4 comments
Labels: StampInsanity
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Saturday!! How are you? Stopping by quick to share my FIRST Magnolia challenge creation!! I followed the sketch from the JUST MAGNOLIA CHALLENGE BLOG!! Here is the sketch...............................
SO? Whatcha' think? Ok.....so I FLIPPED it!! BUT? I am still likin' it......I think!! Haha!! I got to use my NEW.....SWEET TILDA!!! I LOVE her!! OK....lots to do today!! Have to clean up the house a bit, do some wash, and get Kyah ready for tonight!!! WOOHOO!! It is concert night!! Wish me luck everyone!! I will be back tomorrow.....with some pics!! Have an AWESOME Saturday!! The weather is absolutely BEAUTIFUL here!! Hope it is where you are TOO!!! See ya later!!! ENJOY LIFE!!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 1:13 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
I cannot believe my BABY is 8 years old!!! WOW!! Time just zooms on by!! Doesn't it?? I asked Kyah, at the beginning of the week, what she wanted on her birthday card!! Want to know what she said?? That mouse mommy!! She was SO adimant!! That mouse from THE GREETING FARM!! That is what I would like!! Haha!! Which mouse would that be? I said to her? The one with the CUTE hat and pumpkin! Now....mind you....I WAS definitely confused. FOR..........the ONLY mouse I had with a hat and a pumpkin?? A Halloween critter!! Hahahaha!! Can you imagine my surprise?? This was like the beginning of the week and I HAD been checking out my digi stash. BUT..........Halloween? Really?? Well......I was going to make a CRITTER anyway......SO?? Here it is........................................
Alrighty......I am going on and on here!! SO sorry!! Thanks for stopping by and have a WONDERFUL night!! I will see you tomorrow!! Until then?? ENJOY LIFE!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 10:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: personal, The Greeting Farm
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Now......I KNOW you can do that!! The BEST part is.....it is WICKED fun!! I use the LES COQUETTES set again!! Haha!! I know, I know.....I just noticed the trend! I seem to use this GROOVY GURL.....a LOT! Oh wel, what can I say? I LOVE coloring her!! AND? I know, I know......I used Basic Grey DSP.......AGIAN!!! Same thing there too.......LOVE the Basic GRey thing!! Heck....Basic Grey ANYTHING!! Haha!! OK......I am running....WAY....late today, SO I must go!! Thanks SO much for checking out my creation and hope you will join in the FUN!! DOn't forget........tomorrow is FRIDAY and it is my KYAH's birthday!! I cannot believe she will be 8!! WOW!! She is SO excited!! Be sure to stop back for a SURPRISE and for another creation!! Have a GROOVY day and remember to ENJOY LIFE!!!
Won't you visit the other GROOVY GURLZ??!! They ROCK!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 8:18 AM 4 comments
Labels: StampInsanity
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hi there all, how are you? Just stopping by with a QUICK card share!! Hope you like it!! I used one of TGF's Critter's!! This CUTIE is IRVIN SAX!! I just LOVE those digi's!! I am also LOVINN that DSP!! Gotta LOVE Basic Grey!! Alrighty all.....catch ya' later!! Have an AWESOME night and see you tomorrow for some STAMPINSANITY!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Greeting Farm
Friday, August 6, 2010
Woohoo!! Hey there all!! How the heck are ya??!! It is THE weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!! As some of you may have noticed, I changed it up a bit, compared to my schedule!! Sorry about that, to those of you who stopped by, expecting something else!! I was organizing AGAIN......surprise.....AND I came across this SWEET stamp!! Now...before I show you, I must admit something!! I USUALLY pick my DSP ad then go to coloring. However......THIS time I did the opposite. Well...............kinda anyway. I had some DSP in front of me....BUT...could NOT sem to get the color match QUITE right!! Da-GONE-it!! If any of you know me....you KNOW it has to be PERFECT!!....................AND? This was not!!! SO.......I was WAY stuck, I tell ya!! NOW...you all, also, KNOW that I have TOO much DSP for one person! That being agreed upon, one would surely think, I would have NO issue finding DSP to match this cutie!!!......................................................WRONG!!! I could NOT find the exact shade of purple that I wanted!!! AND?? Here we are!! Dilemma!! I just HAVE to find something to go with my SWEET , Emma Lulu, from Stamping Bella!!
After TRYING to figure out WHAT on earth to do with this colored image, I decided to head over to that DAILY DARE 4 U blog. I perused a bit and found the PERFECT challenge!! The gals at PAPERTAKE WEEKLY were challenging their readers to create something..................
YAY!! That gave me MAJOR inspiration!! Thank you SO much girls!! I REALLY appreciate it!! When I saw that challenge, I KNEW I could work it out!!! AND??? SO I did!! Hope you like it and hope you decide to play along!! At least you will know that it is a DO-able thing!!! Have an AWESOME night and I will catch you tomorrow!! Wait until you see the KIMMIE creation I have for you!! One word.....................FUN!!!
**DON'T FORGET......................ENJOY LIFE!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 11:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: Challenge, Stamping Bella
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Haha!! Gotcha' thinking on a Thursday.....don't I? Well....I am stopping by to share THIS weeks' challenge, from STAMPINSANITY!! This is a FUN one........I promise!! What is it, you ask?
Now, I do NOT pretend to know or even remember what this says? BUT? I LOVE it!! I think it is a BEAUTIFUL sentiment!! It is from the STAMPINSANITY , Les Coquettes sentiment set!! I got to use my Basic Grey paper again and my misc flower stash!! I mase those swirly thingy's with my Cuttlebug!! I used a Sissix die!! OK hope you like!! Before I go....just wanted to give a WELCOME shout out to our AUGUST GDT, Jane!! AWESOME to have you Jane!!
Alrighty!! I must be off to work!! BE sure to play along and have a WONDERFUL day!! I will see you tomorrow!! I have ANOTHER Pink Cat creation to share!! See you then and ENJOY LIFE!!!
**Don't forget to visit the rest of the GROOVY GURLZ!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 6:03 AM 4 comments
Labels: StampInsanity
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Kiki Kitty that is!!
Hey there all! How are you? SO....how was your weekend? Mine was TOO fast, as I am sure some of you will agree!! OK.....maybe ALL of you....right?? I was playing with some of my Digi's today and decided to play along with a sketch challenge!! AND? Guess what AWESOME challenge I found??
COOL, isn't it?? I LOVED it right away! It was RIGHT up my alley!! All those layers?? You bet!! You just HAVE to play along!! In case you did NOT notice....this sketch is compliments of DARE U 2 DIGI STAMP!!! I haven't visited there for awhile!
SO.........anyhow.....I took my friend KIKI KITTY along for the fun!! You can get a KIKI friend of your very own, over at PINK CAT STUDIO!!! There are ALL kinds of KIKI'S over there!! Heck....even rubber!! Which.....I MUST admit......I have as well!!! Haha!! What can I say? I am a CAT GIRL at heart!!! WAIT....let us NOT forget that SUPER cute sentiment!! I got that over at PINK CAT also!! I cut it up a BIT, to suit my needs, and I really am happy with it!! Know what the FABULOUS part is though?? The sentiment was FREE!! Yepper...you heard right!! F-R-E-E......free!! Better go get yourself one!!
Alrighty....just wanted to stop by and share with you! Hope you like!! I took my pic, using my NEW light tent!!! It is a work in progress, of course, so please be patient!! I will get the right set up, with it, here soon!! Thanks SO much for stopping by!! I will chat with you this week!!! Look for my schedule.....COMING SOON!!
REMEMBER.........................ENJOY LIFE!!!
Posted by Javablustamper at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Labels: Dare U 2 Digi Stamp, Pink Cat Studio